Information for employers
Edge Hill University’s degree apprenticeships combine both academic learning and on-the-job practical training in the workplace. Working with a range of national and regional employers, we have developed bespoke apprenticeships to meet the specific needs of both employers and apprentices.
Whilst on their apprenticeship programme with Edge Hill University, your apprentice will be welcomed as a student into the Edge Hill community, and will be treated as any other student. This will come with numerous advantages, such as a wide variety of support and provisions on offer from our Student Services and Learning Services Teams, but also the responsibilities of complying with the University Regulations and policies which apply to all members of our community.

Employer responsibilities
As an employer of an apprentice, you have the following responsibilities:
- Understand and agree to meet the Government’s minimum wage requirements, employment law and statutory leave and time off as determined by GOV.UK
- Understand and agree that programme eligibility and funding terms are based on a programme of at least 30 hours a week, and that if an apprentice’s working hours drop below 30 hours per week that the programme will need to be extended pro rata
- Acknowledge that the apprenticeship requires at least 6 hours per week off the job training over the duration of the practical period (the period for which an apprentice is expected to work and receive training). This does not include the End-Point Assessment
- Assist the University in collecting evidence of off the job training occurring where information is held by the employer
- Provide the apprentice with the appropriate time to study within the working day (paid time) including off the job training, including any apprentices on zero-hour terms allowing active learning or monitored workplace practice throughout the apprenticeship
- Provide the apprentice with opportunities to practise new skills in the work environment
- Ensure that under the Employment Rights Acts 1996, the apprentice will be classed as an employee
- Provide equality of opportunity in the workplace regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or beliefs and to treat the apprentice equitably, fairly and reasonably, as with the rest of the workforce, and not discriminate or act unfairly against the apprentice
- Agree that the apprentice will not be asked at any time to contribute financially to the cost of training or End-Point Assessment
- Understand that if an apprentice becomes unemployed or self-employed during the apprenticeship, this will make the apprentice ineligible for the apprenticeship, their funding ineligible and require withdrawal from programme
- Comply with all Government Acts and Statutes relevant to this employment including Safeguarding Act 2006; Equality Act 2010 and Counter-Terrorism Act 2015
Learner information
To study for an apprenticeship at Edge Hill University, the applicant must:
- be eligible to undertake an apprenticeship, as set out in the most up to date ESFA rules
- be employed with a contract that lasts for the full duration of the programme
- have the right to work in England
- ensure they have not studied an equivalent programme before commencement of the programme they are applying to
- have achieved GCSE mathematics and English at grade 4/C or equivalent, and provide evidence of their achievement
- meet the University’s specific entry requirements for their chosen programme. This may include academic requirements and/or relevant experience
- confirm their commitment to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviour required to achieve the apprenticeship, notify us and you of any change in circumstances which may impact on the apprenticeship, and keep a record of their off-the-job learning
Off-the-job training
The University is required to track off the job training. We keep registers of attendance at sessions taught at the University. For some apprentices it might be necessary for them to have some additional off-the-job training hours in the workplace. The University will ask you to confirm attendance, for example, attending placements to ensure the planned off the job hours are achieved. The apprentice will be asked to periodically upload evidence of their off the job hours to Aptem as detailed in their learning plan. You will have access to Aptem and will be able to see their progress.
Tripartite review meetings
Tripartite review meetings are a key monitor of an apprentice’s progress. They take place every 12 weeks and involve the nominated member of university staff, the apprentice and their employer. Meetings will typically last for 30-45 minutes and the agenda covers:
- progress with on-the-job training
- progress with academic study
- attendance and off the job training (including progress against the planned
off the job hours) - any support needs identified
- any changes to job roles or practical arrangements for the apprenticeship
Following the meeting, the University representative will save a record of the meeting (using the Tripartite review in the University’s Apprenticeship Management System – Aptem) which will include agreed actions, for you and the apprentice to sign.
Change in professional circumstances
Apprentices must be employed for the duration of the apprenticeship in a job role which will allow them to meet the requirements of the apprenticeship standard. The apprentice must inform the University about changes to employment including changes to working hours, job role, location or supervision arrangements. They must inform the University if their employment is terminated, or they are made redundant or move to a different employer. Changes in employment status, employer, working hours or job role may lead to:
- A revision of arrangements set out in the training plan for programme delivery
- A break in learning whilst any short- or medium-term employment issues are resolved
- An offer to transfer to an alternative programme of study
- Withdrawal from the apprenticeship programme
Change in personal circumstances
Sometimes apprentices might experience an event in their personal lives which has an impact on their ability to study. Our Student Support Team are here to offer any additional support or guidance they may need. Depending on circumstances we may offer (in addition to the above):
- Applications for Exceptional Mitigating Circumstances
- Referral to support services offered by the University
Financial information
Keeping apprentices safe
Working in partnership across a range of organisations, Edge Hill University’s aim is to promote the highest standards in relation to safeguarding and the promoting the welfare of children, young people, and adults. This also extends to our students who have chosen to study at the University as part of an apprenticeship programme.
We are committed to working together with employers, to creating a fantastic learning experience, and to ensure the highest levels of apprentice safety and wellbeing.
The University has a clear commitment to safeguarding, which is overseen by a lead safeguarding officer. They promote and implement the Safeguarding Policy, ensuring that it is reviewed regularly and acted upon. All members of university staff working with apprentices are trained in safeguarding and can access additional information, advice and training when appropriate. Apprentices are provided with Safeguarding and Prevent training as part of their induction process, over and above that required for their course or programme of study.
Employers also have a similar duty to comply with all current and future UK legislation and statutory responsibilities. There is a particular expectation that an employer should take responsibility for an apprentice’s welfare in the workplace and to also seek appropriate advice when they feel an apprentice may be at risk in their personal lives. We appreciate that for many organisations this can be a confusing and complex area and so Edge Hill University strive to work closely with all employers to support the apprentice experience in relation to Safeguarding.
Edge Hill University adopts the highest standards and takes all reasonable steps in relation to the health, safety, and welfare of children, young people, and adults accessing its services and facilities – and this includes our apprentices. The University believes that it is unacceptable for a child, young person, or an adult to experience any form of harm or abuse. Their welfare is paramount, and they have the right to protection and support. Under legislation, all parties involved in an apprenticeship must take reasonable action to minimise risks to apprentices. This includes aspects of the apprentices’ experience, both in and outside of the workplace, as well as during any attendance at university. Employers should understand that safeguarding concerns can arise because of activities associated with the employer or the University but may also not be related to these.
A member of staff, student, or volunteer acting on behalf of the Employer or the University may become aware of an issue and raise safeguarding concerns about an individual. The University Safeguarding Policy and associated procedures covers all such instances and outlines, for apprentices and employers, the principles and approach accepted by the University as essential to safeguarding. Employers are provided with copies of this policy, and it is included in the apprentices’ induction training. Safeguarding issues are likely to come to light through one of four main methods: direct observation, disclosure from a child or adult at risk, observation by a third party or referral from an external Public, Statutory or Regulatory Body (PSRB). In addition, there are several indicators which fall under the definition of safeguarding, including:
- abuse (emotional and Physical)
- bullying (including online)
- discrimination
- forced marriage
- mental health
- neglect and self-harm
- radicalisation and extremism
- Ensure that employers are aware of their safeguarding obligations, through guidance and training.
- Ensure apprentices have an awareness of safeguarding and understand how to access university support services.
- Provide safeguarding training for all University employees working with apprentices.
- Ensure University staff working with young and vulnerable people are subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring service check.
- Maintain open channels of communication with each employer. Apprentices may act very differently depending on their environment and may feel more comfortable discussing sensitive issues with different people.
- Familiarise themselves with relevant government legislation.
- Take appropriate steps to understand what safeguarding means in practice at their organisation, in the context of the responsibilities they have for the people they employ.
- Ensure that any staff working with apprentices in a position of trust are appropriate for the role and do not present any danger or threat.
Inclusion information
Edge Hill University encourages apprentices to share disability or health related information with us so we can make the necessary reasonable adjustments for them to develop study strategies.
Find out more about inclusion and SpLD supportContact us
If you’d like to know more about apprenticeships, drop us an email at [email protected].
Take a look at our safeguarding web page to see a list of our designated safeguarding officers.