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Summer break is here. After working hard all year, it’s time to enjoy some freedom. You may already know how you’ll spend your time away from university. Or you may not know where to start. With endless activities to enjoy this summer, why not create a summer bucket list?

We have put together some ideas that we think could benefit your summer. And maybe you could add them to a list of your own.

Get outdoors

Your time at university generally involved being indoors. Whether you are in a lecture, a seminar or Catalyst. Use the summer months to get outside. Spending time in nature is good for your wellbeing, allowing time for you to de-stress and relax. Do it alone or ask friends and family to join you. From picnics to walks or camping, whatever it is that you enjoy.

Go travelling

An image of a group of students sat on one of the parks within the Ormskirk town centre.

The world is in your hands. Make the most of having a long summer break now before you accept your first graduate job. Whether you want to explore the UK, travel around Europe, relax on a beach or backpack around Thailand. Tick off your travelling goals in between your studies whilst you can.

Are you taking part in one of our Outgoing Summer Programmes? For summer 2024 we have some fantastic opportunities for you to expand your language skills, embrace different cultures and heritage, or learn about a different subject overseas. Locations include India, Mexico, Spain and Vietnam. Enjoy a unique academic and cultural experience on one of our Summer Programmes, the perfect way to visit another part of the world and get a taste of university life in a different country. With a range of both EHU organised or self-arranged programmes on offer, you can choose the subject best suited to your academic or personal interests.

Get active

Schedule time for exercise

Exercise doesn’t have to be an intense workout. It’s about finding something that works for you. It might be a walk, yoga, golf or swimming. Whatever makes you feel good. The summer is the perfect time to pick up a new form of exercise especially if it is outdoors.

Pursue your hobbies

sports equipment in the gym

Having hobbies you enjoy is good for you. They work as an escape, bring you joy and are a great way to relax. Hobbies also show employers that you are committed and have enthusiasm about something. By showing different sides of your personality, allows you to shine as a well-rounded person. This is important during recruitment processes. Employers want someone who has multiple skills and layers. Not just a list of achievements.

Get ahead

Read up on course material

We get it. You don’t want to think about us while you’re on your summer break. But just a little bit of prep time goes a long way. If your tutor provides a reading list or recommendations, you should take some time to complete them. Start your next academic year on the right foot.

Brush up on your academic skills

female students looking at laptop

While you are waiting for our UniSkills workshops to return in Autumn, you can still access their online toolkits. You can complete the toolkit at your own pace and grow your academic resilience in time for your return to university. If you feel like you need support along the way, our Academic Skills Advisors are here to help. You can book a virtual one-to-one appointment. Discuss everything from academic writing and referencing to navigating your online resources.

Plan your budget

Organising your budget before you get back to university will help save you a lot of time. As well as this, you are more likely to stick to your budget if you have already carefully arranged it.

Explore extracurriculars and clubs

Whether you want to try something new or pick up where you left off. It’s always handy to plan ahead. Have a look at what is available on campus for you. From sports clubs to societies and workshops, get involved with campus life.

Get ready

Learn a new skill

A new skill doesn’t just have to come from a summer job. You can develop your skills in many different ways.

A great way to pick a new skill to develop is by looking at your goals and CV. Identify any gaps and fill them in. If your CV is already strong, why not pick something to make you stand out from the crowd? This could be learning a new language or passing your driving test.

A group of students attend a UniSkills session.

Another great way to pick a new skill is to flip a weakness. It might be a fear of speaking in front of people. Or maybe your time management isn’t as strong as it could be. Whatever it is, take time to assess it. Find out where the problem stems from and work on it. We have a range of support to develop your skills through UniSkills. You can access tips and techniques as well as register for online workshops and book one-to-one sessions.

Do you know what your dream career is? Don’t have the work experience to demonstrate your skills? Why not use summer to develop your skills and ideas? For example, you may want to achieve a career in marketing. Why not create a mockup marketing plan for a product of your choice? The plan might not be real, but your skills are. You can use the marketing plan to display your potential to employers in the future.

Freshen up your CV

Summer is the perfect time to give your CV a little refresh. Make sure all your detail are up to date. Add in any extra skills you have developed. Keeping on top of this will make it easier when you come to apply for a job. Be ready and raring to go. Not sure where to begin? View our CV templates to start.

For further support you can utilise CareerSet which is an online platform and gives you instant, actionable feedback. Or if you would rather to talk it through with one of our team or experts, you can book an appointment at a time that suits you.

Student Opportunity Fund

The Student Opportunity Fund is still open to applications. You can apply for up to £2,000 to support a career-enhancing project, initiative or opportunity that will enrich your student experience and enable you to stand out in a competitive environment. The funding can go towards travel and accommodation costs, representing the University at an event or conference, or to help you in making creative material.

To find out more, or apply for the Student Opportunity Fund, please see the webpage or contact

Get connected

Quality time

Be sure to make time for your loved ones. You have spent months focused on your studies, but now this time is yours. Pencil dates in your diary to ensure you have time for everyone. This is especially important if you have moved away from home for university.

Time to network

Networking can be done in person or virtually, so the possibilities are endless.

group of friends socialising in ormskirk food market with drinks

From home, start by keeping your LinkedIn account up to date. Post about what you’re up to and build relationships with others. LinkedIn is also a great place to develop skills through LinkedIn Learning and find out about workshops or events that may be of your interest.

Some workshops and events may be in person. Keep an eye on what’s happening locally. Attending activities like this can also help build a relationship with a wider network. Everyone attending the event will be likeminded people. You are all there with a shared interest in a subject. Make the most of your time there and be sure to connect on LinkedIn to continue the relationship.

Staying near campus?

Are you spending summer on campus? Or do you live locally? Why not explore Ormskirk and the surrounding areas? Our handy guide: Things to do in the North West, has lots of ideas to fill your summer. From shopping to food and drink, music, sports, arts and culture. The North West has something for everyone.

Want to know what’s happening on campus? Our summer on campus guide contains information about opening times, events and activities.

Life’s a beach

liver building, Cunard building and port of Liverpool on Liverpool's waterfront

Living near Ormskirk means you are close to a range of different beaches. For a more serene location, you have Formby Beach. Surrounded by sand dunes and woodlands, you might even bump into some squirrels.

If you want somewhere where it’s easier to walk, try Crosby Beach. Crosby has the option to walk adjacent to the sand on a walkway. This is also useful if you fancy a bike ride.

If you want to make it a traditional day out head to Southport beach, a seaside town complete with a pier.

Explore Liverpool

Find out more about the city. Head to Albert Dock, packed with history, art and music, and visit the nearby Three Graces: The Royal Liver Building, The Cunard Building and the Port of Liverpool Building.

The World Museum is also a firm favourite. From dinosaurs to space, it is a multi-layered experience. A full day out in itself.

Liverpool is also known for its two iconic cathedrals. The Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, and The Liverpool Cathedral which has the option of walking to the top to see Liverpool from a different perspective.

If you want city views but don’t fancy the stairs, why not head to the Radio City Tower. You can get a lift straight to the top. See the live radio shows on air and walk around the perimeter for 360-degree views of the city.

Take a break

No matter what you decide to add to your summer bucket list, this one should make it. We want you to relax and recharge over the summer. You deserve it.

July 6, 2023


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