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2023 Religion and Desire

The numbers attending increased to 20 in 2023, with the theme of Religion and Desire.  Desire was interpreted in various ways through the week – material desire, sexual desire, spiritual desire…. Again, all participants of the 2023 summer school reported that they became more knowledgeable and more confident to plan and deliver high quality RE lessons. The sessions were thought to be immediately relevant to classroom RE teaching. During Summer School 2023 we visited a Carmelite Monastery and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence in Manchester.  Participants found this “amazing” and “inspirational”.  We feel it is fundamentally important to help teachers understand the realities of lived expressions of religion and belief.  Participants particularly value being able to work with academics at the forefront of their disciplines, again spending time using the university facilities to work on a project.  Here are some projects which other teachers of RE might find useful.