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The pathway of accessing SpLD support and what to expect from your first contact with the service, through to evaluation of need or screener assessment is detailed below.

Welcome appointment

Note: You should allow up to one hour for this appointment.

In a welcome appointment the team will guide you through the options available at the University around specialist support and technologies. The adviser will be able to answer any questions and ensure that you have access to support in order to begin to develop independent study skills strategies.

If you are exploring any challenges related to SpLD we will ask you to complete some questions providing some background information. In the appointment the adviser will discuss your learning experiences, strengths, challenges and identify any indicators of SpLD that will help you make the best decision in terms of whether you choose to have a formal diagnostic assessment.

All students can access support from the first engagement with the service and support can be arranged by contacting

Screener assessment

The screener assessment does not require any contribution from the student. This short assessment will identify strengths and challenges and enables the service to provide a package of support and technologies that may be useful in your studies.

  • It will be carried out by an approved assessor
  • ​The assessment will take 1 hour
  • ​A full report will be emailed to you, allow 2 weeks for this

This assessment will not provide a diagnosis and is not admissible for applications for Disabled Students Allowance (DSA).

Diagnostic assessment

The diagnostic assessment  identifies individual strengths and challenges that may be linked to Specific Learning Disabilities (SpLD) and meets the Disabled Student Allowance (DSA) funding body criteria.

  • It will be carried out by an approved assessor
  • The assessment will take up to 2.5 hours
  • A full report will be emailed to you, allow 2 weeks for this

The cost of the assessment is subsidised by the University, you are asked to pay £100 towards the cost prior to assessment.