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EHU Nineteen

EHU Nineteen is an interdisciplinary research centre focusing on long-nineteenth century studies.

  • Nationally and internationally excellent research in 19th Century topics. Specialisms include digital humanities and print culture, masculinity and gender studies, children’s literature and humour, and neo-Victorianism.
  • A visiting speaker series featuring leading names and emerging researchers in Romantic and Victorian studies.
  • Collaborative opportunities with museums, galleries and cultural heritage partners across the North West and UK.
  • International conferences including hosting BARS/NASSR 2021: New Romanticisms, ‘Substance Use and Abuse in the Long Nineteenth Century’ and an annual ‘Romanticisms’ conference.
  • A diverse and innovative teaching portfolio in nineteenth-century subjects at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
  • Outstanding PhD supervision with the opportunity to apply for Edge Hill’s Graduate Teaching Assistantship package.

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EHU Nineteen is home to a diverse range of interdisciplinary research projects.

EHU Nineteen staff

Meet the staff from the EHU Nineteen research centre.

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EHU Nineteen hosts an annual Research Seminar Series as well as regular academic conferences.

The EHU Nineteen Seminar Series combines the Romanticism and Victorian Seminar Series which have run from 2010. The Seminar Series invites research papers from established scholars and emerging researchers on topics as wide-ranging as eighteenth-century Gothic texts and orientalism to girls’ periodicals and Victorian audiobooks.

Our EHU Nineteen researchers also lead specialist research-led modules at undergraduate and postgraduate level in long 19th Century studies. These modules include:

LIT1020: Ways of Reading
HIS2032: Digital Detectives
LIT2046: British Children’s Literature
LIT2050: Romanticism
LIT2051: Special Author
HIS3038: Special Subject – Read All About It
HIS3038: Special Subject – History of Interpersonal Violence
LIT3040: Victorians
LIT3045: Hosting a Literary Festival
LIT3047 Postmodern Histories: Story and Memory
HUM4015: The Victorian City
HUM4043 Neo-Victorian Fiction
HUM4046: Literature & Laughter