Psychology student journal articles
A selection of papers where Edge Hill Psychology students and staff worked together to publish Psychological Research.
Names in bold are the students that worked on these papers typically as part of their dissertation project or as part of our Psychology Department Research Internship scheme.
Atherton, G., Edisbury, E., Piovesan, A., Cross, L. (2022). Autism through the ages: A mixed methods approach to understanding how age and age of diagnosis affect quality of life. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 52, 3639–3654.
Barron, R. L., & Kaye, L. K (2020). Self-regulation strategies of smartphone use during university self-study. The Journal of Social Media for Learning, 1 (1), 47-57
Burns, E.J., Gaunt, E., Kidane, B., Kidane, B., Hunter, L., & Pullford, J. (2022). A new approach to diagnosing and researching developmental prosopagnosia: Excluded cases are impaired too. Behavior Research Methods.
Connolly, T., Atherton, G., Cross, L., & Kaye, L. K. (2021). The Wild West of measurement: Exploring problematic technology use cut off scores and their relation to psychosocial and behavioural outcomes in adolescence. Computers in Human Behavior, 125, e106965.
Cross, L., Kaye, L. K., Savostijanovs, J., McLatchie, N., Johnston, M., Whiteman, L., Mooney, R., & Atherton, G. (2022). Gendered violence and sexualized representations in video games: (Lack of) effect on gender-related attitudes. New Media & Society.
Darbyshire, D. E., Kirk, C., Wall, H. J., & Kaye, L. K. (2016). Don’t Judge a (Face)Book by its Cover: Exploring Judgement Accuracy of Others’ Personality on Facebook. Computers in Human Behaviour, 58, 380-387.
Ebbrell, N. & Spiridon E. (2019). Psychophysiological effects of incentive feedback on unmanned aircraft operator’s mood and motivation. International Journal of Unmanned Systems Engineering, 7, 1-11.
Ellis, D. A., Kaye, L. K., Wilcockson, T. D. W., & Ryding, F. C. (2018). Digital Traces of behaviour within addiction: Response to Griffiths (2017). International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 16 (1), 240-245.
Hartley, C., Colbourne, L., Lokat, N., Kelly, R., & Shaw, J. J. (2025). Investigating children’s valuation of authentic and inauthentic objects: Visible object properties vs. invisible ownership history. Cognition, 254, 105935.
Kaye, L. K., Carlisle, C., & Griffiths, L. R. W. (2019). A contextual account of the psychosocial impacts of social identity in a sample of digital gamers. Psychology of Popular Media, 8 (3), 259–268.
Kaye, L. K., Darker, G., Rodriguez Cuadrado, S., Wall, H. J., & Malone, S. A. (2022). The Emoji Spatial Stroop Task: Exploring the impact of vertical positioning of emoji on emotional processing. Computers in Human Behavior, 107267.
Kaye, L. K., Egan, I. M., Rowe, B., & Taylor, J. (2024). A qualitative study exploring behaviours which underpin different types of social media use. Psychology of Popular Media.
Kaye, L. K., Gresty, C. E. & Stubbs-Ennis, N. (2017). Exploring stereotypical perceptions of female players in digital gaming contexts. Cyberpsychology, Behaviour and Social Networking 20 (12), 740-745.
Kaye, L. K, MacKenzie A. K., Rodriguez-Cuadrado, S., Malone, S. A., Stacey, J. & Garrot, E. (2023). (Not) Feeling up or down?: Lack of evidence for vertical spatial iconicity effects for valence evaluations of emoji stimuli. Computers in Human Behavior, 149, 107931.
Kaye, L. K., Rocabado, J. F., Rodriguez Cuadrado, S., Jones, B. R., Malone, S. A., Wall, H. J., & Duñabeitia, J. A. (2023). Exploring the (lack of) facilitative effect of emoji for emotional word processing. Computers in Human Behavior, 107563.
Kaye, L. K., Rodriguez Cuadrado, S., Malone, S. A., Wall, H. J., Gaunt, E., Mulvey, A. L., & Graham, C. (2021). How emotional are emoji?: Exploring the effect of emotional valence on the processing of emoji stimuli. Computers in Human Behavior, 116, 106648.
Kaye, L. K., Wall, H. J., & Hird, A. T. (2020). Less is more when rating Extraversion: Behavioural cues and interpersonal perceptions on the platform of Facebook. Psychology of Popular Media, 9 (4), 465–474.
Kleban, C. & Kaye, L. K. (2015). Psychosocial impacts of engaging in Second Life for individuals with physical disabilities. Computers in Human Behaviour, 45, 59-68.
Monk, R.L., Colbert, L., Darker, G., Cowling, J., Jones, B. & Qureshi, A.W. (2021). Emotion and liking: how director emotional expression and knowledge of (dis)liking may impact adults’ ability to follow the instructions of an ignorant speaker. Psychological Research, 85, 2755–2768.
Monk, R.L., Heim, D., Qureshi, A., & Price, A. (2015). “I have no clue what I drunk last night” Using Smartphone technology to compare in-vivo and retrospective self-reports of alcohol consumption. PLoS ONE, 10, e0126209.
Monk, R. L., Qureshi, A. W., Leatherbarrow, T., & Hughes, A. (2016). The Decoy Effect Within Alcohol Purchasing Decisions. Substance Use & Misuse, 51, 1353-1362.
Monk, R.L., Sunley, J., Qureshi, A.W., & Heim, D. (2016). Smells like inhibition: The effects of olfactory and visual alcohol cues on inhibitory control. Psychopharmacology, 233, 1331-1337.
Monk, R. L., Westwood, J., Heim, D., & Qureshi, A.W. (2017). The effect of Pictorial Content on Attention Levels and Alcohol-Related Beliefs: An Eye-Tracking Study. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 47, 158-164.
Pennington, C.R., Qureshi, A.W., Monk, R.L., Greenwood, K., & Heim, D. (2019). Beer? Over here. Examining attentional bias towards alcoholic and appetitive stimuli in a visual search eye-tracking task. Psychopharmacology.
Powell, J. L., Pringle, L., & Greig, M. (2017). Investigation of the association between motor stereotypy behaviour with fundamental movement skills, adaptive functioning, and autistic spectrum disorder symptomology in children with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Child Neurology, 32(2), 222-229.
Qureshi, A. W., Bretherton, L., Marsh, B. & Monk, R. L. (2020). Stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex impacts conflict resolution in Level-1 visual perspective taking. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 20(3), 565-574.
Qureshi. A.W., Monk, R.L., Pennington, C.R., Li, X., & Leatherbarrow, T. (2017). Context and alcohol consumption behaviours affect inhibitory control. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 47, 625–633.
Qureshi, A.W., Monk, R.L., Pennington, C.R., Li, X., Leatherbarrow, T., & Oulton, J.R. (2021). Visual and auditory contextual cues differentially influence alcohol-related inhibitory control. Adicciones, 33(1), 7-18.
Qureshi, A.W., Monk, R.L., Quinn, S., Gannon, B., McNally, K & Heim, D. (In press) Catching a smile from individuals and crowds: Evidence for distinct emotional contagion processes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes
Romero-Rivas, C., Morgan, C., & Collier, T. (2021). Accentism on Trial: Categorization/Stereotyping and Implicit Biases Predict Harsher Sentences for Foreign-Accented Defendants. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 41 (2) 191-208.
Ryding, F. C., & Kaye, L. K (2018). “Internet Addiction”: A conceptual minefield. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 16 (1), 225-232.
Smailes, H. L., Humphries, J. E., Ryder, H., Klatt, T., Maltby, J., Pearmain, A. M., & Flowe, H. D. (2018). Age-related differences in spontaneous trait judgments from facial appearance. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 25 (5), 1-10. doi:10.1080/13218719.2018.1477633
Smith, S. & Spiridon, E. (2019). Influence of ambient light and feedback on motivation to carry out a task: implications for operation of unmanned aircraft. International Journal of Unmanned Systems Engineering, 7, 12-23.
Thorley, C., & Rushton‐Woods, J. (2013). Blame conformity: Leading eyewitness statements can influence attributions of blame for an accident. Applied cognitive psychology, 27(3), 291-296.
Walker, R. L., & Kaye, L. K. (2022). Using Twitter data to explore public discourse to anti-racism movements. Technology, Mind and Behavior, 3 (2).
Yamaguchi, M., Clarke, E. L., & Egan, D. L. (2018). Is your color my color? Dividing the labor of the Stroop task between co-actors. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, Article 1407.
Yamaguchi, M., & Harwood, S. L. (2017). Threat captures attention but does not affect learning of contextual regularities. Cognition and Emotion, 31, 564-571.