The Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) is a central support department which actively contributes and supports colleagues with the achievement of the aims of the University’s learning and teaching strategy to ensure excellence in teaching and learning.
Learning and teaching strategy
Edge Hill University is committed to excellence in learning and teaching.
The core aims of the University and its learning and teaching strategy are to produce graduates who are:
- Well informed, appropriately skilled and highly employable graduates for the 21st Century
- Confident, adaptable, with a good understanding of sustainable development and their environment, and who are attuned to global perspectives and cultural diversity
- Equipped to become role models and leaders in the workplace and their communities
- Committed to lifelong learning
Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education (PGCTHE)
The PGCTHE is an Advance HE accredited programme which provides an opportunity for staff involved in teaching and supporting student learning to improve their professional practice and therefore their own students’ learning. This is achieved by promoting a reflective approach to practice drawing upon pedagogic theory and empirical evidence within a collaborative learning environment. The programme adopts a blended learning approach which combines face-to-face sessions with support through a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
Please note, the PGCTHE is only available to those with an Edge Hill University contract.

The programme meets Categories one and two of the Professional Standards Framework (PSF 2023) for teaching and supporting learning in higher education. This means that staff who successfully complete the programme are eligible to become Associate Fellow (D1) and Fellow (D2) of the HEA (Advance HE was formerly known as Higher Education Academy and they have kept the HEA acronym in relation to Fellow status). If staff wish to complete only the first module they can become an Associate Fellow of the HEA.
We also offer a PGCE in Education and Teaching, as well as a range of other PGCEs. Learn how you can apply for a PGCE.
Who can undertake a PGCTHE?
The PGCTHE is open to Edge Hill University staff involved in teaching and/or supporting learning. It is mandatory for full-time academic staff with less than three years’ experience of teaching in higher education. Staff with more than three years’ experience of teaching and/or supporting learning in higher education can enrol on the PGCTHE, but they should note that they can obtain Fellowship of the HEA through Edge Hill University’s CPD scheme.
Participants on the PGCTHE are expected to:
- Develop an understanding of how students learn and how the economic, social and cultural context within which their students experience university life influences their learning.
- Improve their awareness, knowledge and understanding of different approaches to teaching, supporting learning and assessment in higher education, including the use of appropriate technologies to support student learning.
- Develop skills relevant to teaching and facilitating learning in higher education.
- Develop a reflexive and self-critical approach to professional practice.
- Develop a scholarly and research-based approach to teaching in higher education.
- Improve their knowledge and understanding of the institutional, national and international context within which they operate and develop their awareness of the implications for their practice and professional development.
- Develop appropriate strategies to deal with ethical dilemmas that arise whilst engaged in professional practice.
The programme consists of three 20 credit modules:
As this is a postgraduate programme applicants are expected to have an honours degree or equivalent. Applicants should also have a current and on-going teaching commitment in higher education. The level and amount of teaching should be sufficient to enable participants to meet the requirements of the assignments. A teaching observation using the official form must be obtained prior to enrolling on the PGCTHE. Please contact the Programme Lead Linda Marron to obtain an official form. Please note that the observation must be carried out by an Expert Peer. This is an Advance HE term that refers to someone who holds Fellow (D2) or above (D3 or D4).
In order to enrol on the programme an online registration form must be completed. Please click the ‘New Account’ button as you are registering as a student, do not use your staff login. Once you have completed the application form the programme leader will be notified by admissions and your application form with be processed.
Please note: You must ensure you have agreement from your line manager/head of department to apply for the PGCTHE as they must allow you the time to attend the taught sessions. You must also have current and ongoing teaching commitments to enrol on this course.
It is in the interest for PGCTHE students to identify a Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) to support them through their studies. A PAT will offer advice on your draft and also grade the final assignment. A PAT can also be your observer for the Authentication of Academic Practice. Therefore, it is important that the person who supports you through your PGCTHE journey is familiar with your role, department and subject. Selecting your own PAT is a crucial element towards success. Your chosen PAT must be a Fellow (or above) of the Higher Education Academy (HEA – now known as Advance HE) and also be an experienced higher education lecturer. You cannot simply list someone as your PAT you must seek permission and agreement. If you are offered a place on the course you will be asked to confirm who your PAT is and also when your observation will take place.
If you have any further questions or require additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to receiving your application.
If you have submitted an application and have further queries regarding the status of your submitted application, please contact [email protected]. The CLT do not have access to the admissions system.
For more information about the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education please contact Linda Marron – [email protected].
The PGCTHE starts in September and runs for 18 months. The sessions will take place on Wednesday afternoons.
Applications will open in the summer for September 2025 start.
Please note that spaces on this course are limited and therefore the application process will close as soon as the maximum intake number has been reached.

University fellows
The Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) manages and co-ordinates the University learning and teaching and SOLSTICE fellowship schemes which are integral to Edge Hill University’s desire to develop and recognise excellence in teaching and learning within the University. The scheme is designed to:
- Enhance learning of students by the dissemination of good practice across the University
- Recognise and support excellence in teaching for learning and learning support activity
- Strengthen the implementation of the University learning and teaching strategy
Fellowships provide an opportunity to achieve personal and professional development and to share good practice across the University and to contribute within a vibrant community to sharing ‘practical examples that work’. This includes contribution to the future direction of learning and teaching strategies and to the expanding base of scholarship of learning and teaching at Edge Hill University.
It is expected that Fellows will demonstrate ongoing commitment to teaching and learning development within the context of University priorities. This will be coupled with taking responsibility related to teaching and learning leadership within their subject, faculty, or service area and at university level.
Current Edge Hill staff interested in applying for University Fellowship should visit the CLT wiki for further information.
Fellowship members contribute to delivery of learning and teaching seminars and the SOLSTICE & CLT conferences which are open to the whole University Academic Staff and are practice-focused and research informed. Both branches of the fellowship have led to reputational gain in the sector through membership of national bodies, practice-based publications and to a small extent, publication in peer-reviewed journals related to learning and teaching.
Alongside supporting Faculty/Area/University priorities, each Fellow is expected to follow self-defined lines of development and scholarly activity during their tenure. These will be specified in their application and will be related to the foci specified below and may include references to:
- The University learning and teaching strategy, or information strategy/e-learning strategy
- Faculty/department/Library and Learning Services/teaching and learning/learning support development
- An area/areas of interest germane to their individual teaching/learning support practice context
Activity will be supported and monitored by the Dean of teaching and learning or their designates. There is an expectation that fellows will support institutional staff development dissemination activities, identification of needs, design, and delivery and also engage with the activity of the Centre for Learning and Teaching.
For Fellows this is an opportunity to:
- Gain reward and recognition for your own achievements
- Be involved in an exciting and high profile development that will enhance Edge Hill University’s reputation
- Work with a team of committed professionals who have demonstrated excellence in learning and teaching
- Enhance the student experience via curriculum development, technology, research and scholarship
- Share knowledge, expertise and skills with the higher education sector both in the UK and internationally
- Develop knowledge, skills and abilities in a stimulating and creative environment
The Professional Standards Framework (PSF) CPD scheme
The CLT has a commitment to ensuring that teaching staff are developed in line with the UKPSF to gain recognition as learning and teaching specialists whose practice will impact positively on the student experience. This enables enhancement and raises the profile of Teaching and Learning in the University and Higher Education.
The scheme actively:
- Supports the initial and continuing professional development of staff engaged in teaching and supporting learning
- Fosters dynamic approaches to teaching and learning through creativity, innovation and continuous development in diverse academic and/or professional settings
- Acknowledges diversity and focuses on high quality, learning and assessment practices that support and underpin student learning
- Provides opportunities for peer-to-peer learning, networking and dissemination within the University and beyond.
Edge Hill University staff can find out more on the CLT wiki.
Get in touch
Accreditation Lead: Dr Andrea Wright, SL in Teaching and Learning Development, Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT)
Taught Degrees Framework (TDF)
Edge Hill University’s Taught Degree Framework (TDF) is a set of guiding principles for the design of the undergraduate and postgraduate taught awards validated by the University. The taught curriculum is one of the key mechanisms to support delivery of the University’s strategic objectives.
In addition to alignment with the academic regulations and other University policies and procedures, the TDF is also consistent with the relevant external reference points, most notably the Quality Assurance Agency’s UK Quality Code for Higher Education and the requirements of professional, statutory and regulatory bodies as appropriate.
For colleagues working in the University, further information can be found via the TDF wiki.
Strategies and policies
- Learning and Teaching Strategy
- Assessment-Policy Revisions 2019
- Guidelines for Programme and Module Handbooks
- Personal Development Planning Element of Progress Files
- Personal Tutoring at Edge Hill University
- Student Peer Mentoring Policy
- Assessment of Academic Referencing Policy
- Assessment of Academic Referencing – Exemplars
- Quality Management Handbook Chapter 6 ‘Quality Assurance of Learning and Teaching’ (incs guidance for developers of programmes using Technology Enhanced Learning)
- Quality Management Handbook Chapter 7 ‘Quality Assurance of Assessment’
- Teaching and Observation Peer Review Policy
If the policy you are looking for is not listed here you can either visit the Academic Quality & Development Unit website or email us at: [email protected].
Higher Education Research Network – Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL)
The Practice-Based Research Initiative (PBRI) is about gaining better understanding of complex phenomena in practice settings, with the aim of influencing change and enhancing the practice itself. High quality activity of this kind is of significance in terms of its current and potential contribution to the University’s academic and practice reputation.
A PBRI hub of training, development and mentoring has been established within the Centre for Learning & Teaching, initially facing towards the faculties of Education and Health & Social Care and areas of FAS which are practice and practitioner focused.
GDPR privacy statement
Edge Hill University regards your privacy as important and complies with the principles of the current and changing Data Protection legislation, including the Data Protection Act [2018] and the General Data Protection Regulations [2018].
Data protectionCLT privacy policyStaff

Get in touch
If you have any queries, or would like specific support and guidance on teaching, get in touch.
Centre for Learning and Teaching (The Lodge),
Edge Hill University, St. Helen’s Road,
Ormskirk, L39 4QP