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Student feedback

We welcome feedback around the services we offer and we will give students a regular opportunity to provide feedback about the service. We also welcome informal feedback and this can be given directly to the SpLD Adviser or emailed to

Since accessing SpLD Support I’ve found that:

  • ‘The advisers were extremely helpful’
  • ‘The support is great and the staff are really helpful.’
  • ‘I now have a lot more techniques for revision and note-taking.’

My engagement with the SpLD service impacted on my results because:

  • ‘My learning support queries were answered’
  • ‘I can now re-read my work more effectively and check references’
  • ‘I have more confidence knowing that my support is in place’
  • ‘My time management has improved’
  • ‘My writing style has improved and I know how to structure things better’
  • ‘I read more effectively and have more confidence in what I’m doing’
  • ‘I plan work more carefully and spend more time on it’
  • ‘I am less anxious about assignment writing now that I’ve got more strategies in place’
  • ‘I’ve been shown how to use different techniques and technologies and this has helped me to get higher grades’