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As an Edge Hill student you are part of an incredibly diverse learning community, and the Student Engagement (UniSkills) team strive to cultivate a welcoming and inclusive environment in which you can unlock your academic skills potential.

As part of Student Engagement’s ongoing commitment to ensure an equitable and inclusive learning experience for all students, we have placed accessibility at the heart of UniSkills support, which enables all students to participate. We also acknowledge accessibility requires a continuous focus, and will always endeavour to keep up to date with developments in this area.

You might be interested to know that Student Engagement are:

What can you expect?

Whether you are attending a face to face or online workshop or one to one appointment you can expect a setting where accessibility has been considered to enhance your learning experience.

Explore frequently asked questions (FAQs), in the section below, and see at a glance where accessibility has been considered in our handy accessibility checklist.

ConsiderationAppointment – In PersonAppointment – OnlineWorkshop – In PersonWorkshop – Online
Accessibility of physical spacegreen tickgreen tickgreen tickgreen tick
Lighting and heatinggreen tickgreen tickgreen tickgreen tick
Audio and visualgreen tickgreen tickgreen tickgreen tick
Comprehensiongreen tickgreen tickgreen tickgreen tick
Interactiongreen tickgreen tickgreen tickgreen tick
Student Engagement Accessibility Checklist

Accessibility FAQs

One-to-One Appointments

How do I know if my in person one-to-one appointment will take place in a physically accessible space?
How will my sensory needs be accommodated at my in person one-to-one appointment?
How can I access an online one-to-one appointment when I am on campus?
How has the audio for my online one-to-one appointment been considered?
What if I forget the information the Academic Skills Advisor tells me during my one-to-one appointment?

UniSkills Workshops

How do I know if my in person UniSkills Workshop will take place in a physically accessible space?
How will my sensory needs be accommodated at my in person UniSkills Workshop?
How can I access an online UniSkills Workshop when I am on campus?
How has the audio for my online UniSkills Workshop been considered?
Will I be expected to contribute at a UniSkills Workshop?
How accessible are the materials and resources used in a UniSkills Workshop?
What if I struggle to concentrate during a UniSkills Workshop?

UniSkills Toolkits

What if I need an alternative format to access the toolkit?
What if I prefer to listen to the toolkit content?

General Information

Accessibility Tools
Further help and support