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Fairs and Exhibitions

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September 2025 – Date TBC

Enquiries and to book on

The Higher Education Exhibition at Edge Hill University welcomes a variety of post-18 education and career providers onto campus to offer advice and guidance to Year 12/13 students and Access to HE Diploma students about their options after sixth-form/college.

The event will include:

  • A two hour pre-booked time slot for your students to visit stands and speak to representatives from different Universities and Apprenticeships/Employment routes to discuss their next steps.
  • A programme of optional talks covering key topics such as University Choices, UCAS, Personal Statements and Student Finance.
  • An optional tour of our beautiful campus delivered by one of our current students.

Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 3, 5 & 7

The Education Liaison and Events Team, along with recruited and trained Student Ambassadors, are able to attend a range of daytime and twilight events organised by individual schools and colleges such as HE and Careers Fairs for post 16 students and/or parents and supporters (subject to type of event and availability)

We are able to offer information on our course provision, entry requirements and the student experience.

Click the purple button above to invite us to your event.

Gatsby Benchmark 7

The team attend all of the UCAS exhibitions held across England, Wales and Northern Ireland plus two in Scotland throughout the year, giving you plenty of opportunity to meet us and ask questions about our award-winning campus and courses. It also provides a great opportunity to pick up a prospectus and chat informally to expert representatives from the University including our Student Ambassadors who can offer an insight into university life and the student experience.

Alongside the general UCAS Exhibitions, the University also attend the majority of UK University Search events across the country throughout the year.

Gatsby Benchmark 7

Upcoming UCAS eventsUpcoming UK Uni Search events