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Our priority is to keep young people safe from harm and to ensure that you can exercise your freedom to enjoy a night out safely. 

You may be aware of the increased reporting of drink spiking and spiking by injection offences, and there have been some offences reported in Lancashire.

What is spiking?

There have also been cases, where people have been injected with a needle, with possible date-rape drugs.

This is taken extremely seriously by the police.

I think I’ve been spiked. What should I do?

If you or your friends start to feel strange or unwell then you should get help and seek medical advice straight away.

If you think you have been a victim of spiking, please contact the police immediately. This allows appropriate tests and enquiries to be conducted.

In Lancashire, Police Officers and staff patrol the night-time economy so please do not hesitate to speak to any of the officers if you have any concerns.

Licensed premises security staff and management can also be approached to assist you if you have any concerns.

Here’s how to report something to the police:

Call 999
In emergencies
Call 111
In non-emergencies

Three ways to stay vigilant