Families, carers and trusted contacts can play an essential part in supporting a student at University. If staff at the University are concerned about your mental health and/or safety, they will make every reasonable effort to secure your consent before involving a third party. When accessing services, you will be given an opportunity to update your trusted contacts and express your wishes about sharing information.
What is a trusted contact?
As part of University enrolment you will be required to provide details of at least one trusted contact. However we would recommend that you provide details of at least 2 contacts where this is possible.
A trusted contact is someone who you nominate as an individual we can contact in an emergency or in other rare circumstances.
Who can be nominated as a trusted contact?
A trusted contact should be someone you trust to make decisions in your best interests. Although it is your decision, often students will choose a parent, guardian, partner, spouse, family member, or close friend. They need to be over 18 and able to communicate via the telephone (ideally in English). It is helpful in they know you well, have knowledge of any medical conditions and your medical history, and are able and willing to act in your best interests to support you.
It is important to let the individual know that you have nominated them as your trusted contact and share information with them about how you want them to respond to support you in an emergency situation.
How do I update my trusted contacts?
You will be asked to amend, confirm existing details, or add new trusted contact details each time you re-enrol on your course at the start of each academic year.
You may also be asked to confirm these details when you have an appointment with relevant teams in Student Services and can ask for changes to be made during your appointment.
If you wish to amend these details mid-academic year, please contact [email protected] with the full details of the changes you wish to make.
When might the University contact the Trusted Contact?
Wherever it is possible to do so, we will try to seek your consent before sharing information with your trusted contact. Where it has not been possible to reach you will need to make an decision about whether you are at risk of serious physical, emotional, or mental harm, and what further action to take. This decision will always be sensitive to the particular context, the information that we hold about your preferences, and informed by an assessment of the risk.
We would always try to inform you that we had decided to contact your trusted contact, unless it is judged that doing so would increase the risk of harm to you or someone else.
Examples of situations where the University may get in touch with a trusted contact:
Example 1
A student living in halls has a serious accident and is unconscious and taken to hospital in an ambulance. The student can’t provide consent for their information to be shared. University staff would provide key information about the student to emergency services and would also inform their trusted contact.
Example 2
A student has not been seen for a number of days and is not able to be contacted. University staff have reason to believe the student may not be safe and well. University staff may contact emergency services, and/or their trusted contact.
Example 3
A student is in a mental health crisis and is unable to keep themselves safe. The student is unable to communicate their wishes, is putting themselves in an unsafe situation, and/or needs support from a friend or family member they can trust. University staff may contact emergency services, and/or their trusted contact.
Data collection notice
Information about the use of trusted contacts data is contained within the data collection notice. This notice explains how we collect, use and share personal data relating to current and former students, and explains your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data. These form part of the student terms and conditions, and in completing the online enrolment process, you agree to comply with the provisions within the notice.