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Freedom of Speech Policy and Code of Practice

Part of: Academic
Part of: Corporate
Part of: Policies
Part of: Strategies and Policies

The Policy and Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech has been developed to assist Members of the University (which includes students) who are involved in the organisation of meetings and activities that have the potential to compromise the University’s commitment to Freedom of Speech within the law and/or the health and wellbeing of staff, students and visitors to the University and is intended to provide practical advice and guidance to be followed to ensure that any meetings or activities on University premises that fall within the remit of this Policy can be given due consideration.

Surprising Terms

  • Breach of this Policy and Code of Practice will amount to a disciplinary matter within the meaning of the University will assist the relevant authorities, as appropriate, to implement the processes of the law. Related policies would be the Student Bullying and Harassment Policy and the Student Code of Practice