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Chloe Webb

Health and Social Care student

BA (Hons) Health & Social Wellbeing student Chloe Webb in the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Medicine building

Elderly people often get forgotten about – I chose this course so that I could help make social care better for them.

While I was thinking about what to do next, I took a job as a Wellbeing Co-ordinator in a nursing home. I planned activities for the residents to help them get the most out of their time there.

Getting to know the residents and seeing the difference my job made to their lives was so rewarding. It helped me discover a passion for health and made me realise what I really wanted to do as a career.

I didn’t realise how many different areas of health would be covered. I’ve learnt so much; I thought I had a good knowledge of health before, but I really knew nothing.

What I like is that you’re not stuck on one career path. You get the skills and knowledge for a wide range of jobs and there are opportunities to tailor modules you study to suit your own interests and ambitions.

Since being at university I’ve discovered a confidence I didn’t know I had. I wasn’t good at standing up in front of people and I didn’t see myself as a leader at all but now I’m much better at pushing myself forward.