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Tanveer Hussain

Lecturer in Computer Science

Computer Science



Tanveer Hussain acknowledged his Ph.D. Degree in Software Convergence from SejongUniversity, Seoul, South Korea. He was working as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Institute forTransport Studies, University of Leeds,Leeds, UK. His major research domains are multimedia data analysis including video summarization, action and activity recognition, saliency detection, scene understanding for autonomous driving, resource-constrained programming, and fire/smokedetection and segmentation. He has filed/published several patents and articles in peer-reviewedjournals and conferences in reputed venues including CVPRW, IEEE Transactions on ImageProcessing, Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Industrial Informatics, Elsevier Pattern Recognition, Neurocomputing, PatternRecognition Letters, ACM Computing Surveys, and Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications. He is a member of IEEE, providing professional review services in various reputed journals and serving as an editorial board member ofthe Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Systems, and review editor for Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. For furtheractivities and implementations of his research, visit: