We’re delighted to welcome you to our Open Day, where you’ll have the chance to find out everything you need to know about Edge Hill University.
Meet our friendly and helpful staff and students. Explore our beautiful, vibrant campus. Attend subject presentations, visit our accommodation, and ask questions at our Student Experience Fair.
Whether you’re interested in undergraduate or postgraduate study, make sure you include our information talks as part of your Open Day visit.
Please note: Although we do our best to ensure all details in our programme are accurate, due to the dynamic nature of events information, the guide is subject to change. We may be filming or taking photographs during your visit. If you have any concerns about this, please talk to a member of staff at an Information Point or in Registration.
Information on the day
Information desks are available in each building with staff on hand to answer any questions.
Ask us
If you have a question or you need some directions, speak to staff and students. They’re easy to spot in bright purple vests and purple polo shirts. Or visit our Information Points, available in each Open Day building.

Plan your day
There’s plenty to do and see at an open day, so here’s how you can make the most of whatever time you have to spend on campus.
Come along to your subject presentation to get a feel for your chosen course. This will give you a chance to meet teaching staff and help you decide whether it’s the right course for you.
As well as a subject presentation, come along to our Vice-Chancellors Welcome talk. This talk gives you essential information about fees, funding, support services and accommodation. Its a great way to find out more about the Edge Hill experience.
Session Times (approx. 45 minutes): 10.30am and 11.30am
You can also take a campus tour. These tours last 45 minutes and will allow you to experience our vibrant campus for yourself. Plus it’s a good way to visualise yourself living and studying here.
Tour Times: Every 15 minutes between 10am and 2.30pm
You may also want to see our accommodation. This will give you a chance to view some rooms, and see what could be your new home. Current students are also on hand to answer any questions.
Available all day: Look for the signs at the meeting points.
You can do all of the previous, plus you can get helpful extra insights into Edge Hill life.
Spend some time at the Student Experience Fair, where our friendly teams can offer advice on things like finances, learning support, entertainment, support services, and career guidance.
Fair Times: 10am-3pm
Join our current students for a 90 minute guided tour of Ormskirk. Get a feel for the town and everything it has to offer from a student’s perspective.
Guided Tour Times: 11.30am, 1.30pm
With a full day, you could also come along to our personal statement talks. Learn about structure, the best information to include and how to use the STAR technique to demonstrate your skills and abilities.
Talk Times: 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, 1.30pm
Undergraduate Study: Information talks and advice
Want to know more about the Edge Hill experience? Got questions about student finance? Or looking to find out more about our accommodation? Don’t miss our Welcome Talk, it’s the perfect introduction to undergraduate study. And we recommend you include it as part of your day.
Duration: 45 mins
Are you a mature student, planning to commute to campus? Attend our bespoke session for practical advice, specific student finance information and an introduction to Edge Hill.
Duration: 45 mins
Hear from the Widening Access and Student Success team about the enhanced support the University can offer you at different points on your journey to and through university. At Edge Hill, we believe in equal opportunity for all. In this talk, you’ll be able to learn about the dedicated additional support we offer students who may:
- be returning to learning as a mature student
- are the first in their family to attend Higher Education
- have previously been eligible for free school meals
- have experience of being in care, are estranged from their family
- have a disability or mental health condition
- have caring or parental responsibilities
- are from a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic background.
Duration: 45 mins
Listen to our top tips to enhance your personal statement. Learn about structure, the best information to include and how to use the STAR technique to demonstrate your skills and abilities. You can also attend a one to one drop-in session for advice and guidance on your personal statement.
Duration: 45 mins
Do you have questions about applying to Edge Hill? Chat to our Admissions staff about entry requirements, interviews, qualifications, and DBS checks.
Find out more about our Fastrack course, designed for those who don’t hold the entry qualifications for a degree at Edge Hill. We also offer equivalency programmes and tests if you don’t have the GCSEs or Level 2 qualifications you need.
Postgraduate Study: Information talks and advice
Are you a mature student, planning to commute to campus? Attend our bespoke session for practical advice, specific student finance information and an introduction to Edge Hill.
Duration: 45 mins
Interested in a teacher training degree? Join this talk to find out everything you need to know about studying at Edge Hill.
Interested in a research degree? Join this talk to find out everything you need to know about studying at Edge Hill.
Duration: 45 mins
Interested in a taught postgraduate degree? Join this talk to find out everything you need to know about studying at Edge Hill.
Duration: 45 mins
This session will provide advice and guidance on writing your postgraduate personal statement. With insights on what to include and how to make your application stand out.
Duration: 45 mins
One-to-one drop-in sessions are available for you to discuss your postgraduate study options for taught and research based courses.
Interested in an MRes or PhD? You can explore your options and discuss your application at our drop-in sessions.
Take a look around
At Edge Hill, we pride ourselves on the range of services that we can provide to our students. At the Student Experience Fair, you’ll find our support teams situated in the Hub ready to tell you all you need to know. The fair is your chance to meet them and get your all-important questions answered.
10am – 3pm
Hub – Number 2 on the campus map

The teams you can meet at our fair
Planning to live in student accommodation? Our expert Accommodation Team can speak to you about:
- Living on campus
- How to apply for accommodation
- Finding private-sector housing
What else can we offer alongside your learning? Speak to the team about:
- Food and drink on campus
- 24-hour security
- Free Edge Link bus
- Support while living on campus
Build your experience to take into your future career. Ask about:
- Finding a part-time job
- Volunteering and building work experience
- Getting a graduate job
- Where your degree could take you
in your career
Master an old skill or learn something new. Ask about:
- Self-guided tours of The Sports Centre
facilities, including the fitness suite and
swimming pool - Exercise classes
- Edge Hill’s sports teams
- Our free student trial membership and
discounted student memberships
Run for students, by students.
Ask the team about:
- Our exciting programme of events
- Academic support
- Welfare support and Advice Team
- Getting involved
We care about your wellbeing and can provide advice and guidance on a range of topics. Ask the team about:
- Advice and support available
- Wellbeing and mental health
- Counselling services
- Staying fit and healthy
Confidential space is available to ask about support with a range of additional needs, such as medical conditions, visual/hearing/ mobility impairments, autism and mental health. The team will be available throughout the day to answer any questions you have and to offer support.
Want to know more about the learning support you can receive? Find out about:
- Support with Specific Learning
Difficulties (SpLD) - Library services
- Learning Technology Development
- Academic study skills (UniSkills)
Find out how a year working in industry as part of your degree can set you up for your graduate career and how we can help you to secure one.
Lots of students take on work placements during their second year, either compulsory or optional. Find out how we can help you to seek out opportunities, and how it could help kickstart your career.
Want to find out about maintenance and tuition fee loans? Our Money Advice Team are on hand to help. Get information about:
- Tuition fees
- Student loans and applying
for student finance - Money advice and budgeting
Meet new people and get involved with activities outside of your lectures.
Ask about:
- Social events, clubs and societies
- Getting to know the local area
- Activities organised by our
Campus Connectors - What students love most about
student life at Edge Hill
Ask our Global Opportunities Team about exciting opportunities to study overseas at one of our partner universities around the world. Opportunities range from one week to a full academic year.
Enjoy the magic of the arts at Edge Hill.
Ask about:
- Events and performances
- The Red Bar
- Free student membership and tickets
Broaden your knowledge with the Language Centre. The team will be available to answer questions about:
- Learning a language as part of your degree (Faculty of Arts and Sciences only)
- Learning a language through free extracurricular classes
- Free English language support classes if English isn’t your first language
At Edge Hill we believe in equal opportunity for all. We offer enhanced support to students who may be returning to learning as a mature student, are the first in their family to attend higher education, have previously been eligible for free school meals, have experience of being in care, are estranged from their family, have a disability or mental health condition, have caring or parental responsibilities, or are from a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic background. Speak to us about:
- The dedicated pre-entry and on-course support we offer
- Joining our Student Advisory Panels
Subject presentations are your opportunity to learn more about your subject area and meet staff and current students. Most subjects also hold one-to-one drop-in sessions throughout the day.
View the presentation timetable
We’re here to help
Staff at our Information Points, located in each open day building, are here to give you directions, answer your questions and help you if you need any assistance.
It’s easy to find our staff and Student Guides in their purple polo shirts and vests. They’re here to make your visit as smooth as possible. Don’t miss the chance to ask our students about their Edge Hill experience too.
Take a break and recharge. Hot and cold drinks are freely available in many of our buildings on campus throughout the day. And, visit our EHU Marketplace for free hot food. So, you and your guests can have your lunch, snacks and refreshments on us.
Toilets (including accessible facilities) are available in each building on campus. Please ask any member of staff or Student Guide for directions. Baby changing facilities are available on the ground floor of the Business School and in the Main Building.
Our Faith and Reflection Room is open for all visitors throughout the day. It’s a space for contemplation, prayer and reflection. To gain access, head to map point 18 or ask a member of staff or Student Guide who’ll take you there.
We’ve created a quiet space so, if you need to, you can take a break from the busy open day environment. Ask at our Information Point in the Business School and we’ll take you to our quiet room.
If you or any of your party feel unwell or become injured while you’re here, please speak to staff at the nearest Information Point or in Registration. They’ll make any requests for additional assistance (e.g. first aid or ambulance requirements).
If you hear our fire alarm, leave the building by the nearest exit. Once outside the building, follow instructions from staff and Student Guides. We’ll let you know when it’s safe for you to go back inside a building.
If you misplace any of your property during your visit or find an item you think belongs to someone else, let us know. Talk to a member of staff at one of our Information Points and they’ll assist you.