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Reducing energy has been a priority at Edge Hill University for many years. We have achieved this through numerous initiatives and Capital Projects work.

Carbon management plan

Edge Hill University has a responsibility to protect and enhance our environment and reduce the negative impacts excessive resource use and carbon emissions produce. The Carbon Management Plan formalises our continued commitment to sustainability. We limit our resource use of fossil fuels and reducing our carbon emissions.

Energy at Edge Hill

The University has invested in redeveloping the campus with innovative energy efficient technology.

As the reliance on information technology (IT) increases in all walks of life, Edge Hill is addressing this by installing the most energy efficient equipment and systems possible.

7. Affordable and clean energy
Catalyst building and students at night on campus

Our campus now includes:

  • ground source heating and thermal heat recovery using heat pumps
  • solar thermal and Photovoltaics
  • mini Combined Heat and Power, gas condensing fired boilers and heat recovery systems
  • heat recovery from the Durning Centre from co-located IT servers and the University Mainframe Computer

By working in partnership with the Carbon Trust, other smaller projects have been identified and completed to contribute to emissions reduction such as upgrading of lighting, insulation of lofts and the installation of timers on coffee machines and hot water boilers.

Energy in the home

Whether it’s to save money, reduce carbon emissions or to save fossil fuels, not wasting energy in the home makes sense.

These simple tips will help you reduce your energy bills and your carbon footprint.

Fridges and freezers

Energy in the workplace

Each of these simple actions will avoid wasting energy. Individually the saving is not large but collectively the reduction is significant.

Electrical equipment
Energy Saving Trust

Further information