Reducing energy has been a priority at Edge Hill University for many years. We have achieved this through numerous initiatives and Capital Projects work.
Carbon management plan
Edge Hill University has a responsibility to protect and enhance our environment and reduce the negative impacts excessive resource use and carbon emissions produce. The Carbon Management Plan formalises our continued commitment to sustainability. We limit our resource use of fossil fuels and reducing our carbon emissions.
Energy at Edge Hill
The University has invested in redeveloping the campus with innovative energy efficient technology.
As the reliance on information technology (IT) increases in all walks of life, Edge Hill is addressing this by installing the most energy efficient equipment and systems possible.
Our campus now includes:
ground source heating and thermal heat recovery using heat pumps
solar thermal and Photovoltaics
mini Combined Heat and Power, gas condensing fired boilers and heat recovery systems
heat recovery from the Durning Centre from co-located IT servers and the University Mainframe Computer
By working in partnership with the Carbon Trust, other smaller projects have been identified and completed to contribute to emissions reduction such as upgrading of lighting, insulation of lofts and the installation of timers on coffee machines and hot water boilers.
Energy in the home
Whether it’s to save money, reduce carbon emissions or to save fossil fuels, not wasting energy in the home makes sense.
These simple tips will help you reduce your energy bills and your carbon footprint.
You can lose up to 25% of the heat from your home through the roof and up to 35% through the walls. Insulating your walls and roofs is often the most cost effective way of saving energy.
Insulate your hot water cylinder with a lagging jacket and if it has a thermostat, make sure it is set to the recommended temperature of 60°C.
If your home is too warm turn the thermostat down by 1°C. This small reduction can save up to 10% on your energy bills.
Try wearing a jumper if you feel chilly instead of turning up the heating.
Heavy lined curtains will help to prevent heat escaping, therefore drawing your curtains at dusk will help to keep you warm in the winter.
Low energy light bulbs use a quarter of the electricity than an ordinary bulb uses and lasts up to 15 times longer.
If you’re out of a room for more than 20 seconds it saves money to turn the light off if you’re using a modern fluorescent bulb.
Wash on as low a temperature setting as possible. Most current washing powers are equally efficient on the lower temperatures. Using 40°C instead of 60°C can use a third less electricity.
Use the economy button and wash only full loads when possible.
Using a microwave to cook or to reheat food is usually a far more efficient method of cooking.
A pierced covering over the food will hold in moisture and speed up microwave cooking times.
Cutting food into smaller pieces often speeds up the cooking time.
Use the correct size pan for the quantities you’re cooking and place on the appropriate hob for the pan size.
Don’t boil more water than you need (but if the appliance has an element make sure any minimum line is covered).
Fridges and freezers
Don’t leave the doors open any longer than necessary.
Leave food to cool down before putting it into a fridge or freezer.
Defrost fridges and freezers regularly.
Don’t leave electrical equipment on standby.
Unplug chargers when finished as they will continue to use electricity.
Energy in the workplace
Each of these simple actions will avoid wasting energy. Individually the saving is not large but collectively the reduction is significant.
Electrical equipment
Turn monitors and other equipment off when not in use – don’t leave things on stand by. The transformer of a laptop will still use energy even if the computer is not plugged in.
Turn lights off on the way out if you’re the last person in the room
Do you need the lights on? Many areas have plenty of natural daylight and therefore don’t need the lights if it’s bright outside.
Don’t over do it – each task has on official lighting level which will be catered for when the building is designed. Adding your own lighting can increases energy use for no added value.
Turn the radiator thermostats down (if possible) instead of opening windows if you feel too warm.
Buildings are not legally allowed to be heated above 21°C. Wear extra layers if you feel too cool.
If your room is prone to over heating open windows early in the day to let the colder outside air cool the room.
Use the stairs instead of the lift – it saves energy and is good for your health and figure too.
Spend to save – when buying equipment look at the lifetime energy use, what is cheap to buy is often expensive to run.