Childhood & Youth Studies and Criminology BA (Hons)
UCAS code: XM32
Examine the lives of children and young people in the UK and across the globe and explore the relationship between power, crime and social change while investigating the interaction of the world of children with institutions of justice.
Every society has certain expectations of its children. So, what happens when young people don’t fit the mould?
On our BA (Hons) Childhood & Youth Studies and Criminology degree, you’ll examine childhood development while exploring different ideas about crime, harm, rights and social justice.
Together we’ll also analyse the role and function of the criminal justice system, asking questions like: how does social status affect access to and experience of justice and rights?
Aimed at anyone keen to develop knowledge in these two interlinked subject areas, this course is ideal if you plan to work within youth justice or related fields. It will also provide extensive experience of reporting, presenting and working effectively – as an individual and collaborating with others. Valued by employers, these transferrable skills can be applied to a number of potential careers.
Year 1 introduces you to key theory across criminology and sociology. You’ll study the criminal justice process, issues and debates about childhood development within psychology. We’ll also cover ideas about how social, economic, political and other factors shape our childhood experiences. An overview of social policy and welfare, including child welfare, is also provided. And you’ll get the chance to sign up for an optional three-day field trip to London.
Introduction to Child Developmental and Social Psychology
Introduction to Child Developmental and Social Psychology identifies and explores the major issues and debates of relevance to early childhood studies and childhood and youth studies within the discipline of psychology. In this module you will consider the importance and impact of developmental psychology on the study of childhood and youth, and focus on cognitive development, attachment theory, personality theories and views of intelligence in psychology. You will address key perspectives in social psychology including theoretical perspectives concerning social identity and group processes, psychological explanations of aggression and attitude, and wider interpersonal influences.
Module code: SPY1126
Credits: 20
Children and Young People in Society
Children and Young People in Society explores both historical and contemporary dimensions of childhood and youth. The module introduces the idea that childhood is a social construction dependent on the history, cultural values and power structure of the society in which children live. You will consider the way in which the social, economic, political, scientific, legal and institutional contexts in which children have lived and live today shapes their experience of childhood. The module challenges some commonly held beliefs about children and the institutionalisation of childhood. It also provides a personal development programme that will develop your essential academic skills including time management, academic reading and writing, information retrieval, critical thinking and analysis.
Module code: SPY1127
Credits: 20
Criminology and the Modern World
Criminology and the Modern World presents you with a number of case studies on substantive topics of current interest and importance. You will undertake a systematic examination of some of the major changes that are occurring and their implications for British society and other societies across the world. Phenomena such as the economic crisis, the environmental crisis, the increasing religiosity of politics and problems in the developing world will be considered in order to foster an understanding of contemporary society and some of the key issues it faces. Aspects of social and criminal justice, harms and rights, and the role that the media plays in shaping social perceptions will be subject to analysis.
Module code: CRI1005
Credits: 20
Introduction to Criminological Theory
Introduction to Criminological Theory introduces you to key theoretical perspectives relevant to the study of crime and social justice. The module will use contemporary case studies in crime, deviance and conflict to evaluate the main theoretical traditions and recent critiques within criminology, providing a foundation in critical analysis. In particular, the module will emphasise the political underpinnings to theoretical perspectives and will encourage you to recognise the need to locate theories of crime and deviance in their structural contexts.
Module code: CRI1124
Credits: 20
Introduction to the Criminal Justice Process
Introduction to the Criminal Justice Process introduces you to key aspects of the criminal justice system, primarily in England and Wales but with some reference to other UK and international jurisdictions. The module will critically analyse official responses to ‘crime’ and deviance through an examination of fundamental criminal justice agencies including the police, criminal courts and prisons as well as probation and youth justice services.
Module code: CRI1125
Credits: 20
Introduction to Social Policy and Welfare
Introduction to Social Policy and Welfare provides an overview of some of the key areas of social policy and welfare, such as education, health, employment, poverty and child welfare. The module offers a critical introduction to key approaches to the development of social welfare policy and the political ideologies that have influenced it in historical and contemporary perspective, exploring how these approaches to the provision of welfare compare and contrast with one another. You will also discover different philosophical and ideological understandings of key concepts in social policy, including equality, rights, liberty, social justice and deservingness and how they have – and might – influence the development and implementation of contemporary social policy.
Module code: SPY1120
Credits: 20
Apply the breadth of knowledge you’ve gained to different contexts by exploring specialist topics like youth justice, representations of childhood in popular culture, and gender, sex and violence. These fascinating optional modules allow you to tailor your studies to your interests and could help shape your future career plans. There are also opportunities to engage with specialists on a field trip to Amsterdam, and to undertake a 60-hour work placement or independent research project.
Critical Criminological Theory provides a grounding in critical criminological theory and its application to contemporary debates and issues concerning harm and criminal justice. The module will familiarise you with the development of criminological theory in historical and political contexts. You will be encouraged to apply theoretical perspectives to issues incorporating harm and crime, as well as social and state responses, drawing on national and international examples. The module will challenge mainstream theories of crime and deviance by locating current examples of harm, criminalisation and criminal justice within determining contexts of class, gender, sexuality, neo-colonialism and age within political priorities of the neoliberal agenda.
Module code: CRI2225
Credits: 20
Youth Studies: Key Concepts and Issues
Youth Studies: Key Concepts and Issues provides you with an understanding of the key themes, concepts, issues and debates in the field of youth studies. Starting from an historical perspective, you will look at the broader social, economic and political factors which have shaped understandings about youth and the so-called ‘youth question’ from early to late modernity. The module will then turn to contemporary debates about youth, including themes such as transition, risk, culture and social policy.
Challenging Childhoods examines the theoretical traditions, and their legacies, of what constitutes the ‘child’. Drawing on historical and theoretical developmental models, both nationally and internationally, you will analyse the various mechanisms through which children are socialised, placed under surveillance, disciplined and in turn criminalised and victimised. Central to the module will be a critical analysis of state intervention into the lives of children, together with an exploration of child exploitation and the process through which children become ‘victims’. The concept of harm will be of particular significance and this will be juxtaposed and examined in relation to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Module code: CRI2226
Credits: 20
Crime, Law and Society
Crime, Law and Society explores the application and effect of the criminal law upon individuals in society from criminological and complementary socio-legal perspectives. Through utilising both of these perspectives, you will be encouraged to look beyond established traditional legal explanations for crime and the legal responses to it, in order to explore the wider social, historical, political and theoretical context of the laws relating to crime. The module will enhance your understanding of how determining contexts impact upon how laws relating to crime are created, developed and enforced.
Module code: CRI2027
Credits: 20
Crime, Media and Criminology
Crime, Media and Criminology investigates how the news media plays a primary role in the construction of social problems, crime, deviance and, to an extent, reality. The relationship between crime, media and criminology is long established, so this module critically explores the representation of ‘crime’ and criminal activity within various types of media forms incorporating traditional print, online news domains and social media forums. Developing a critical theoretical framework, the module will enable you to examine the criminological and wider societal significance of the production and reproduction of dominant images and discourses around ‘crime’, criminalisation and the construction of victims, perpetrators and events.
Module code: CRI2024
Credits: 20
Doing Criminological Research
Doing Criminological Research provides a thorough grounding in understanding and undertaking criminological research. The module explores the development of criminological research and explores different qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. You will consider the theoretical context of approaches such as positivism and interpretivism and gain the skills necessary to evaluate criminological research (particularly in terms of research ethics and politics). On successful completion of the module, you will be fully prepared for engaging in the research process and be required to produce a research proposal.
Module code: CRI2222
Credits: 20
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Entrepreneurship and Innovation explores characteristics, behaviours, attributes, and skills of entrepreneurship as well as the whole process of innovation from idea to product development and the conditions that must be fulfilled for innovation to thrive. The module explores research from a number of areas to highlight the importance of factors such as social and economic capital, local and regional infrastructure and the role of government in enabling (or disabling) innovation. You'll develop your entrepreneurial skills, identifying opportunities and developing ventures. On top of this, you'll consider the risk environment including legal issues, funding issues, start-up and growth strategies. This module provides you with the ability to act entrepreneurially to generate, develop and communicate ideas, manage and exploit intellectual property, gain support, and deliver successful outcomes.
Module code: BUS2229
Credits: 20
Gender, Sex and Violence
Gender, Sex and Violence explores the concept of violence and the various forms it can take. Specifically, the module will focus on the relationships between gender, sex, sexuality and violence, and the ideological, cultural and religious underpinnings of such violent acts. You will be encouraged to look beyond established understandings of what constitutes a violent act to explore more abstract forms of violence such as harm, denial of rights, and poverty. Criminological and social science theory will form the basis of considerations of aspects of violence. The structural relations of class (production), ‘family origins’ (neo-colonialism) and gender/sexuality (reproduction) will be highlighted as the determining contexts in which such violence occurs and is legitimated. Power, dominance, legitimacy, hegemony and ideology will be key themes of the module.
Module code: CRI2025
Credits: 20
Generating Reputations
Generating Reputations highlights and explores the production of identities, reputations and stereotypes and the impact these have on particular social groups. A key focal point of the module will be the role of the media in shaping reputations and perceptions. You will consider ways in which determining contexts can influence societal perceptions of individuals and groups, as well as the impact of stereotypes, reputations and ‘common sense’ thinking on criminal justice policies and responses.
Module code: CRI2223
Credits: 20
‘Race’, Crime and Criminology
‘Race’, Crime and Criminology explores how ideas about ‘family origins’ help to shape and determine social, judicial and political responses to perpetrators and victims of crime. The module explores the role of family origins as a major source of social division and aims to show the significance of racism to the reproduction of structural inequalities. You will gain knowledge about patterns of continuity and change in racism and an awareness of the relationship between ethnic and cultural diversity and social and criminal injustice.
Module code: CRI2023
Credits: 20
Violence and Society
Violence and Society explores the concept of violence and the various forms it can take, ranging from intrapersonal violence (for example, self-harm) to interpersonal violence, institutional and state violence, and violence on a global scale. You will be encouraged to look beyond established understandings of what constitutes a violent act to explore more abstract forms of violence such as harm, denial of rights, and poverty. Criminological theory will form the basis of considerations of aspects of violence. The structural relations of class (production), ‘family origins’ (neo-colonialism) and gender/sexuality (reproduction) will be highlighted as the determining contexts in which such violence occurs and is legitimated. Power, dominance, legitimacy and hegemony will be the key themes of the module.
Module code: CRI2224
Credits: 20
Youth Justice
Youth Justice provides a grounding in issues of youth justice. The module explores the history of youth justice in the UK and elsewhere and examines the development of responses to children and young people in conflict with the law in their social and political context. You will investigate theoretical approaches to youth justice and consider explanations regarding differences in state responses to this issue. The module critically appraises current and recent youth justice practices and policies in relation to state intervention, human rights, harm and power.
Module code: CRI2028
Credits: 20
Language 1
Language 1 is ideal if you want to learn a new language, or further develop your current language skills, as an integrated part of this degree. You can study French, German, Arabic, Italian, Mandarin, Japanese or Spanish (subject to minimum numbers for your preferred language). Delivered at the Edge Hill Language Centre, the module will be taught in an interactive, communicative manner, using authentic materials in the target language. Emphasis will be placed on all four areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening. You will play an active role in the weekly two-hour classes, engaging in role-plays, short conversations, videos, authentic texts and listening materials. You will also be encouraged to reflect on your own learning needs. On enrolment to the module, you will complete a language induction form and be placed into a language level group appropriate for your prior knowledge of your chosen language. Please note, while we will endeavour to accommodate varying language levels per module, this is not always possible. While you can join the module with some prior experience of your target language, you will not be able to study a language you are already fluent or proficient in.
Self-Directed Study enables you to focus on a particular agreed topic or focus and explore it, with tutorial support, to produce a project-based piece of work which relates to a particular career trajectory. The project will involve addressing a social issue or problem and/or one organisation’s response (voluntary, public or private sector) to a social issue or problem. It will involve not only desk research such as library searches but information retrieval from a range of primary sources. The self-directed learning focus allows for a sense of both leading on the learning taking place and reflecting on its progress, problems and problem-solving.
Module code: SPY2155
Credits: 20
Work-based learning and Employability
Work-based learning and Employability is designed to bridge the world of higher education with the world of work. You will develop a critical understanding of the changing context of work and of social, economic and political factors shaping the labour market and contemporary patterns of employment. There will be an opportunity to apply theory and disciplinary specialist knowledge to practical experience within a work-based setting with students undertaking a 60 hour placement. You will also enhance and develop a range of transferable skills to enhance your employability.
Children, Family and the State provides you with the opportunity to explore the focus and structure of child protection and welfare services for children and young people. The module considers the complexity of the relationship between the state, the family and the child in the context of children and young people’s welfare and wellbeing. You will be given the opportunity to explore and assess key legislation and policy initiatives that focus on child welfare and the protection of children and consider their influence on practice with children and their families.
Module code: SPY2161
Credits: 20
Children’s Cultural Worlds
Children’s Cultural Worlds introduces you to some of the ways in which children experience and organise their social worlds. You will learn about a variety of children’s cultural practices from this perspective such as their play, friendships, family, sexuality, food, literature and language practices. In order to do this you will study a range of research which has taken a ‘naturalistic’ approach to children’s cultural practices. Naturalistic studies are those which seek to remain faithful to the nature of the phenomena which they investigate. In the study of human social life, this requires being faithful to how the people we study actually experience things. It involves refusing to impose our own views on other people but trying to gain an appreciation of how they look at things, how they understand things and how they organise their lives from their own points of view. This module will help you to develop this particular analytic sensibility.
Module code: SPY2158
Credits: 20
International Perspectives on Children and Families
International Perspectives on Children and Families establishes a global perspective on the study of children and young people. The module explores children’s experiences in relation to family origins, ethnicity and discrimination. A socio-cultural approach is adopted which draws on differences within the European experience, expanding to global dimensions to consider experiences in culturally different and developing societies. The aim is to examine how constructions of childhood, family and youth are shaped by interactions between cultural representations and political and economic structures in differing social contexts. You will also consider how the experiences and impact of family origins, ethnicity and discrimination vary and are dependent on these contexts.
Module code: SPY2166
Credits: 20
Promoting Equality in Childhood
Promoting Equality in Childhood provides you with an overview of strategies to promote equality and social justice for children in institutional settings. The module will explore processes of discrimination and oppression and focus on the ways in which practitioners and those working with children and families might promote equality and raise children’s awareness of issues relating to diversity and equality. You will also focus on policy and practice with those who might be considered to come from some of the most marginalised sections of society and enhance your appreciation of the importance of anti-oppressive practice in working with such children, young people and their families.
Module code: SPY2162
Credits: 20
Representations of Childhood and Popular Culture
Representations of Childhood and Popular Culture explores and analyses the ways in which childhood and youth are represented in popular culture in historical and contemporary genres. These representations will be examined in the context of popular culture about, and specifically for, children and young people. A critical approach will be adopted by drawing on theoretical perspectives including cultural theory and constructions of childhood and youth. In taking this approach, consideration will be given to representations of social divisions such as age, gender, sexuality, family origins and disability. Areas of study will include children as adventurers and heroes, children and young people in war and conflict, representations of children and young people’s experiences of education, and the globalisation of childhood.
Module code: SPY2157
Credits: 20
Along with a critical analysis of youth studies, you’ll continue to examine topics in criminology and sociology in greater detail through optional modules. Possibilities include exploring the politics of imprisonment, crimes of the powerful, justice, rights and the state, as well as childhood and sexuality, and young people and social media. Why not boost your practical experience and employability with another placement? Or add an international dimension with a field trip to a European city.
Youth Studies: Critical Perspectives takes a critical analytical approach to the contemporary ‘Youth Agenda’ and the wider social, economic and political factors shaping work with young people. The module will address issues concerning such subjects as citizenship, education, training, young people’s health, housing, youth justice, employment, transitions and more. The module is intended to provide a forum to enable you to engage with research, services, theories and practice in working with young people.
Crime and Place enables you to build your knowledge and understanding of the relationships between crime and place and examine developments in policy relating to place, criminality and safety. The module appraises the strengths and weaknesses of different theoretical, philosophical and practical approaches to crime and place. Geographies/landscapes of crime and criminalisation are examined utilising empirical and theoretical materials.
Module code: CRI3023
Credits: 20
Crimes of the Powerful 1
Crimes of the Powerful 1 traces and explores serious harms and crimes perpetrated by states and associated professional and commercial interests from the eighteenth to mid-twentieth century. Adopting a zemiological frame, the module locates such harms within a range of political forms, particularly during times of social and economic upheaval, and ethnic, national and imperial conflict. The module concludes with a detailed exploration of the origins, implementation, consequences of, and responses to, the extreme state violences of the first half of the twentieth century. The aim is to enable you to critically explore issues at the cutting edge of criminological thinking.
Module code: CRI3021
Credits: 20
Crimes of the Powerful 2
Crimes of the Powerful 2 considers the key forms and determinants of serious contemporary harms originating in the actions or omissions of corporations, states and associated powerful organisations after the Second World War. The module critically examines the origins of such harms, the ways in which they are framed within dominant and alternative discourses, and critiques the responses to them. The module takes an expansive view of harm, drawing upon examples from within and without the criminal justice system, at local, national and international levels.
Module code: CRI3022
Credits: 20
Criminology and Philosophy
Criminology and Philosophy recognises how criminology has long drawn on philosophy to inform its development. You will consider philosophical ideas and concepts as they relate to the study of crime and its control. The module considers debates concerning continental and analytic philosophy and how these are reflected in criminology through discussions concerning qualitative and quantitative approaches, and between critical/sociological criminology and administrative criminology/crime science. You will assess a range of key philosophical ideas and concepts that relate to criminology, with a particular focus on how we get on with one another and what happens when we do not.
Module code: CRI3024
Credits: 20
Enterprise Management
Enterprise Management cultivates entrepreneurial skills, fostering innovation, creativity, and strategic thinking. It immerses you in real-world business contexts, promoting adaptability and resilience. Emphasising practical application you'll develop an understanding of the intricacies of entrepreneurship. You will refine your problem-solving and decision-making capabilities and explore theoretical frameworks with hands-on experiences. The module emphasises collaboration, communication, and risk management, equipping you with the skills and mindset needed for success in the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship and enterprise.
Module code: BUS3079
Credits: 20
Expanding the Criminological Imagination
Expanding the Criminological Imagination critically reflects upon and analyses the discipline of criminology. You will examine criminology’s political, practical and theoretical strengths and limitations and explore the production and commodification of criminological knowledge. The module will consider whether criminology has become a ‘parasitic’ discipline with the criminalisation of social problems, and the ever increasing techniques of crime control, forming the justification for the discipline’s existence, rather than providing a platform for resistance. You will explore the concept of the ‘criminological imagination’ as an alternative way of envisaging the discipline and its utility. You will also examine the way in which criminology has to connect with other disciplines in order to expand the range of issues it deals with. This is a necessity in order to help criminologists make sense of issues where the ‘normal’ boundaries of criminology would stifle or limit an analysis.
Module code: CRI3113
Credits: 20
Justice, Rights and the State
Justice, Rights and the State examines the development of the discourse about rights and justice. Taking a national and international approach, the module will consider the development of rights historically and the new discourses of rights. You will evaluate statutory policies and responses to the issue of rights and justice and consider how states respond to issues of justice and rights, including where states themselves uphold or violate citizen’s rights.
Module code: CRI3112
Credits: 20
Learning Together: The Sociological Imagination
Learning Together: The Sociological Imagination involves Edge Hill University students and HMP Thorn Cross students studying and learning together. The module will be taught at HMP Thorn Cross, a young offenders’ institution near Warrington for those aged 18 to 25. The aim is to use education as a means to connect people in higher education and in the criminal justice system: to dismantle stereotypes and prejudices in both directions, and to provide a reflective, empowering and empathic learning experience. C Wright Mills’ seminal work The Sociological Imagination will be the foundation of the substantive content. You will reflect on the interplay between ‘personal troubles’ and ‘public issues’ and, additionally, challenge the process of ‘othering’ by considering your own role in the social and political world.
Module code: CRI3114
Credits: 20
The Politics of Imprisonment
The Politics of Imprisonment provides you with a critical knowledge and understanding of the nature, functions and justifications for the use of punishment, specifically incarceration, in modern society. The module will consider the philosophical theories that are used to legitimise the state’s use of imprisonment and the sociological theories that explain historical developments in the purpose of state punishment. The various divisions and functions of the prison estate will be examined within their historical, structural, political, social and geographical contexts. Related methods of state punishment, such as the death penalty, will also be considered. You will adopt an international perspective and explore penal theory and practice in a range of countries. The relationships between power, legitimacy and justice will be central themes throughout the module.
Module code: CRI3110
Credits: 20
The Politics of Policing
The Politics of Policing equips you with a critical knowledge and understanding of the concept of policing, both in its philosophical sense and as a function of the modern liberal democratic state. The module will consider the role and function of the police service, and explore related issues including police powers, political accountability, protection of civil liberties and the concept of equality before the law. Contemporary strategies and approaches to policing will be located within their structural, political, social and geographical contexts. The module is underpinned by theories of authority, power and legitimacy.
Module code: CRI3109
Credits: 20
Language 2
Language 2 is ideal if you want to learn a new language, or further develop your current language skills, as an integrated part of this degree. You can study French, German, Arabic, Italian, Mandarin, Japanese or Spanish (subject to minimum numbers for your preferred language). Delivered at the Edge Hill Language Centre, the module will be taught in an interactive, communicative manner, using authentic materials in the target language. Emphasis will be placed on all four areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening. You will play an active role in the weekly two-hour classes, engaging in role-plays, short conversations, videos, authentic texts and listening materials. You will also be encouraged to reflect on your own learning needs. On enrolment to the module, you will complete a language induction form and be placed into a language level group appropriate for your prior knowledge of your chosen language. Please note, while we will endeavour to accommodate varying language levels per module, this is not always possible. While you can join the module with some prior experience of your target language, you will not be able to study a language you are already fluent or proficient in.
Childhood and Sexuality juxtaposes how children and young people are constructed simultaneously as desexualised or pre-sexual beings and, therefore, in need of protection and, at the same time, young people, in particular, are portrayed as sexually ‘promiscuous’ or engaged in sexual ‘risk taking behaviour’. The module introduces you to the tensions between these contradictory constructions of youth sexuality and explores the ways in which young people understand their sexuality and develop their sexual identity.
Module code: SPY3145
Credits: 20
Contemporary Theory, Policy and Practice in Education Services
Contemporary Theory, Policy and Practice in Education Services enables you to critically examine the world of children’s education. Lying at its heart is the claim that education is a political activity which confronts a range of issues to do with ideology, politics and values which in themselves function at a variety of different levels of power, status and influence. Themes of the module include the marketisation of education, the equal opportunities trap, educational philosophy, and globalisation and education. You will focus on competing discursive narratives which demonstrate the intensely political nature of education, teaching and learning.
Module code: SPY3152
Credits: 20
Issues of Professional Practice
Issues of Professional Practice involves a critical examination of professions, professional identity and professional practice in the context of welfare, health and education services for children, families and adults. The module will provide you with the opportunity to consider and critically analyse the meaning and development of professionalisation, frameworks for ‘best practice’ and the implications of current policy and strategies for intervention. The module will enable you to critically engage with such ideas, concepts and issues as professional power, partnership, developmentalism, inter-professional and multi-agency working, in addition to anti-oppressive, reflective and ‘critical practice’. The aim is to provide opportunities for critical analysis of the links and relationships between theory and practice and to encourage the use of learning from previous experience and learning.
Module code: SPY3147
Credits: 20
Self-Directed Study
Self-Directed Study enables you to look in depth at a theme or issue covered over the duration of your programme of study. The module involves identifying a chosen area for study, developing and negotiating a learning contract (which will outline the what, how, when, where and why of the study period), as well as the means of assessment to showcase the acquired learning. You will be assigned a module supervisor who will help you to develop the negotiated learning and agree the nature of the assessment.
Module code: SPY3158
Credits: 20
Social Work with Children, Young People and Families
Social Work with Children, Young People and Families provides you with an understanding of the role of social work in children and young people’s services. The module will examine the way that the needs of children impact on their position in family and society and how this impact affects theirs and their families/carers’ ability to navigate and articulate their experiences. The implications these features have for children and for family social work practice, relating to both safeguarding and family support roles, will be explored.
Module code: SPY3151
Credits: 20
European Field Trip
European Field Trip provides you with the opportunity to intensively study a particular society and culture through some of its contemporary issues. The module allows for the comparative cultural analysis of a different society to the one you live in, focused around some preparatory lectures and reflective sessions and an intensive study trip to that country. The focus of the study trip will be to explore both comparisons and contrasts, and use the experience of difference to explore social and cultural issues and problems.
Module code: SPY3148
Credits: 20
Work-based learning and Employability 2
Work-based learning and Employability 2 is designed to bridge the world of higher education with the world of work. You will develop a critical understanding of issues related to organisational structure, leadership and culture. There will be an opportunity to apply theory and disciplinary specialist knowledge to practical experience within a work-based setting through undertaking a 60 hour placement. You will develop your personal and professional profiles through continuous reflection on practice using student-centred learning opportunities. Throughout the module you will also develop your employability profile in preparation for career entry.
Module code: SPY3146
Credits: 20
Language 2
Language 2 is ideal if you want to learn a new language, or further develop your current language skills, as an integrated part of this degree. You can study French, German, Arabic, Italian, Mandarin, Japanese or Spanish (subject to minimum numbers for your preferred language). Delivered at the Edge Hill Language Centre, the module will be taught in an interactive, communicative manner, using authentic materials in the target language. Emphasis will be placed on all four areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening. You will play an active role in the weekly two-hour classes, engaging in role-plays, short conversations, videos, authentic texts and listening materials. You will also be encouraged to reflect on your own learning needs. On enrolment to the module, you will complete a language induction form and be placed into a language level group appropriate for your prior knowledge of your chosen language. Please note, while we will endeavour to accommodate varying language levels per module, this is not always possible. While you can join the module with some prior experience of your target language, you will not be able to study a language you are already fluent or proficient in.
Module code: TLC2000
Credits: 20
Critical Perspectives in Child Health and Well-being
Critical Perspectives in Child Health and Well-being presents you with the opportunity to explore key social, political and cultural perspectives on children’s health and wellbeing. In recent years, health programmes have focused on promoting good physical health, mental health and emotional wellbeing by encouraging children, young people and their families to develop healthy lifestyles and, in doing so, tackle health inequalities. Opportunities will be provided to reflect upon current legislation, policy and the socio-political and cultural influences that impact on the health and wellbeing of children and young people. A key feature of the module will be its emphasis on the position of children and young people’s voices in theory, policy, research and practice and their participation in the decisions that impact their lives.
Module code: SPY3153
Credits: 20
How you'll study
The main forms of course delivery are lectures and workshop seminars, including videos, presentations and small group work. You can choose to build a national and a European field trip into your optional studies.
Students will typically be required to attend for three full days per week.
How you'll be assessed
Assessment methods on this degree include the use of portfolios, essays, information retrieval exercises, seminar presentations, case studies, article reviews and examinations. The range of assessments has been creatively designed to encourage the potential of all students.
Who will be teaching you
Our staff team are at the forefront of teaching, research and publishing in a number of areas including safeguarding children and young people; childhood, youth and sexuality; the politics of childhood and young people’s rights; children and young people’s mental health; youth justice, law, criminology, human rights and social justice. Our strong levels of student support ensure your time with us is an enjoyable, rewarding experience, underpinned by the extensive research activity and field experience of our team.
Your degree will be supplemented by a series of research seminars and other talks. These will feature academic staff and visiting guest speakers from a range of professions and organisations.
Timetables for your first week are normally available at the end of August prior to enrolment in September. You can expect to receive your timetable for the rest of the academic year during your first week. Please note that while we make every effort to ensure that timetables are as student-friendly as possible, scheduled teaching can take place on any day of the week. Wednesday afternoons are normally reserved for sports and cultural activities.
Where your course includes optional modules, these are to provide an element of choice within the course curriculum. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by timetabling requirements. Some restrictions on optional module choice or combinations of optional modules may apply.
Entry criteria
Entry requirements (2025 / 2026)
Typical offer 104-112 UCAS Tariff points. No specific subjects are required.
Example offers
A Level
BTEC Extended Diploma (or combination of BTEC QCF qualifications)
Distinction, Merit, Merit (DMM).
T Level
Overall grade of Merit.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
We are happy to accept IB qualifications which achieve the required number of UCAS Tariff points.
Access to Higher Education Diploma
45 credits at Level 3, for example 9 credits at Distinction and 36 credits at Merit or 15 credits at Distinction and 30 credits at Merit. The required total can be attained from various credit combinations.
Please note, the above examples may differ from actual offers made. A combination of A Level and BTEC awards may also be accepted.
If you have a minimum of two A Levels (or equivalent), there is no maximum number of qualifications that we will accept UCAS points from. This includes additional qualifications such as Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), AS Levels that haven't been continued to A Level, and General Studies AS or A Level awards.
English language requirements
International students require IELTS 6.0, with a score no lower than 5.5 in each individual component, or an equivalent English language qualification.
If your current level of English is half a band, one band, or one-and-a-half bands lower, either overall or in one or two elements, you may want to consider our Pre-Sessional English course.
Should you accept an offer of a place to study with us and formally enrol as a student, you will be subject to the provisions of the regulations, rules, codes, conditions and policies which apply to our students. These are available at
Did you know?
If you join a full time undergraduate degree at Edge Hill University, we will guarantee you the
offer of a room in our halls of residence for the first year of your course.
The Department of History, Geography and Social Sciences is based in the Geosciences building. The contemporary facilities combine with a friendly and supportive learning environment to ensure that your studies are a rich and rewarding experience.
The Geosciences building features a large lecture theatre, small group teaching rooms, IT facilities and smaller tutorial spaces. There is also a large social area which encourages a more informal and interactive style of learning.
The University may administer a small inflationary rise in tuition fees, in line with Government policy, in subsequent academic years as you progress through the course.
EU/EEA and Swiss students who have settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme, as well as Irish nationals, may be eligible for the UK tuition fee rate.
Financial support
Subject to eligibility, UK students joining this course can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan from the Government to cover the full cost of tuition fees. UK students enrolling on the course may also be eligible to apply for additional funding to help with living costs.
We offer a range of scholarships, which celebrate the determination, commitment and achievement of our students. Many of our scholarships are awarded automatically. There are some however, where you will need to be involved in an application or nomination process. To find out more about our scholarships and check your eligibility, please visit our dedicated scholarships pages.
Money Matters
Please view the relevant Money Matters guide for comprehensive information about the financial support available to eligible UK students.
EU/EEA and Swiss students who have settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme may be eligible to apply for financial support. Irish nationals can ordinarily apply to Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI).
If you are an EU student who does not have settled or pre-settled status, or are an international student from a non-EU country, please see our international student finance pages.
Your future career
The demand for people with the specialist skills and knowledge offered by a degree in childhood and youth studies and criminology is greater than ever. Want to work in youth justice services? Or keen to kick-start a career in education, social work, law enforcement or welfare rights? This is the perfect course for you.
Combining two distinct but interlinked areas gives you a unique perspective that could see you go on to help shape social policy. You’ll have the insight to advocate for children and young people, and to make a real difference to their futures, whether in the public or voluntary sectors.
Other career paths open to our graduates include youth and community work, care and resettlement of offenders. You might also apply for roles within the probation service and criminal justice agencies, and international aid.
And for anyone wanting to continue exploring these fascinating, fast-changing areas, there’s plenty of scope for further study or research in both childhood and youth studies.
Course changes
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, however our courses are subject to ongoing review and development. Changing circumstances may necessitate alteration to, or the cancellation of, courses.
Changes may be necessary to comply with the requirements of professional bodies, revisions to subject benchmarks statements, to keep courses updated and contemporary, or as a result of student feedback. We reserve the right to make variations if we consider such action to be necessary or in the best interests of students.
Track changes to this course
Module changes - 3 December 2024
Critical Perspectives on Children’s Health and Well-being SPY3153 removed.
Critical Perspectives in Child Health and Well-being SPY3153 added.
Module Assessment Changes - 2 October 2024
CRI3023 Crime and Place has been changed from 100% coursework to 100% exam.
CRI3021 has been changed from 100% coursework to 60% exam and 40% coursework.
CRI3022 has been changed from 100% coursework to 60% exam and 40% coursework.
module changes - 31 May 2024
BUS2229 Entrepreneurship and Innovation, a new 20-credit optional module added to Year 2
BUS3079 Enterprise Management, a new 20-credit optional module added to Year 3
Assessment method - 28 March 2024
CRI3109 The Politics of Policing – updated from 100% coursework to 50% coursework; 50% exam.
Assessment methods - 11 October 2023
CRI3024 Criminology and Philosophy, 20 credits) assessment type changed from 100% Coursework to 100% Exam.
Change of assessment methods - 28 June 2023
CRI1125 (Introduction to the Criminal Justice Process, 20 credits) assessment type changed from 50% Exam, 50% Coursework to 100% Coursework.
CRI2027 (Crime, Law and Society, 20 credits) assessment type changed from 50% Exam, 50% Coursework to 100% Coursework.
CRI2225 (Critical Criminological Theory, 20 credits) assessment type changed from 50% Exam, 50% Coursework to 100% Coursework.
CRI3021 (Crimes of the Powerful 1, 20 credits) assessment type changed from 50% Exam, 50% Coursework to 100% Coursework.
CRI3022 (Crimes of the Powerful 2, 20 credits) assessment type changed from 50% Exam, 50% Coursework to 100% Coursework.
CRI3109 (The Politics of Policing, 20 credits) assessment type changed from 50% Exam, 50% Coursework to 100% Coursework.
CRI3112 (Justice, Rights and the State, 20 credits) assessment type changed from 50% Practical, 50% Coursework to 100% Coursework.