Gain experience in cellular, molecular, genetic and whole organism biology. And understand its impact on commercial and research settings. See how modern biology shapes and challenges society, and carry out fieldwork in rich locations on our BSc (Hons) Biology degree.
Exploring the very mysteries of life is the essence of biology. It’s at the forefront of research into global issues such as disease, cloning, food and climate change. By studying everything from molecules to ecosystems, you’ll appreciate the challenges biological advances present to society.
You’ll gain an understanding of the scope of biological knowledge on our BSc (Hons) Biology degree that’s accredited by the Royal Society of Biology. It includes extensive lab work, and fieldwork in a rich diversity of habitats. Our biology course covers a diverse range of topics in the study of living organisms. You’ll discover where your interests lie early on, and have opportunities to specialise.
A course highlight is the chance to go on field trips abroad (paid for by us), travelling to locations rich with flora and fauna. Throughout the programme you’ll receive training in biological sciences from staff who are specialists in their disciplines.
An accredited degree
This degree is accredited by The Royal Society of Biology which is the UK’s leading professional body for the biological sciences. Upon successful completion of the degree, you’ll be eligible for one year of free membership of the Royal Society of Biology at Associate level. As an Associate member, you’ll be able to take advantage of unique opportunities to engage with the life sciences, share your passion for biology and develop your professional network.
Royal Society of Biology
Course features
International students can apply
Learn a language option available
Professional accreditation
Sandwich year option available
Studying abroad option available
There have been multiple opportunities for me to travel and study abroad. This is through both field trips, where we gained experience of common data collection techniques, as well as with study abroad, where I was able to study in Mexico for the summer.
Trace the evolution of life, examining the diversity of plants and animals. Take part in residential fieldwork, where we’ll show you how to complete biological research. And broaden your knowledge of the discipline through modules in cell biology and genetics.
Biology in Practice looks at the nature of biological enquiry, the ways that biological knowledge develops, and the contribution biology makes to society. Part of this module will be delivered during a field trip (costs included in fees).
Module code: SCI1107
Credits: 20
55% Coursework
45% Practical
Genetics and Evolution
Genetics and Evolution introduces the genetic and environmental control of an individual’s characteristics. The module outlines how variation at the DNA and chromosomal level leads to variation in the phenotype and genotype and the potential consequences of this variation including speciation. Taking a largely population genetics approach, you will study mutation, genotypic and phenotypic variation, meiosis, Mendelian inheritance, phylogeny and speciation.
Module code: SCI1116
Credits: 20
60% Coursework
40% Exam
Introduction to Cell Biology
Introduction to Cell Biology focuses on the cell as the basic biological unit. Using a range of activities, you will examine the molecular components that determine the structure, biochemical nature and physiology of different cells. This will then enable you to appreciate the significance of a range of environmental influences. Practical activities, including a number of core biological exercises, will be used to reinforce these aspects and equip you with skills and confidence in scientific laboratory techniques. The aim is to equip you with an appreciation of scientific method and enhance your understanding of what constitutes a valid scientific investigation.
Anatomy and Physiology focuses on developing your knowledge of the structure and function of the human body. The module will equip you with an understanding of the inter-relationship between the systems of the body in the context of human health and disease. There will be a considerable emphasis on laboratory-based activities, including molecular techniques and practical physiological investigations.
Module code: SCI1118
Credits: 20
50% Exam
50% Practical
Biodiversity provides an overview of the diversity of life, the major taxonomical groups and their phylogenetic relationship. Sub-divided into distinctive microbial (including viral, bacterial and archaeal), plant, fungal, and animal sections, the module covers key findings on the definition, the origin, and the evolution of life. You will develop a range of subject-specific and transferable skills to enhance your employability, including microscopy and slide preparation, as well as information retrieval.
Module code: SCI1113
Credits: 20
50% Coursework
50% Practical
Chemistry for Biologists
Chemistry for Biologists introduces the basics of chemistry, involving clear and lucid explanations of chemical concepts with a coherent problem solving approach. Building your understanding of the periodic table, atomic and molecular structures, pH, solutions, chemical reactions, model buildings and practical skills are the core elements of this module. The aim is to provide you with a toolkit of knowledge and practical skills within chemistry and linking to wider concepts within biological and physical sciences. Appropriate mathematical knowledge will be embedded throughout the module.
Module code: SCI1115
Credits: 20
50% Coursework
50% Exam
Ecology introduces concepts fundamental to populations and communities using examples from across habitats and ecosystems. You will learn the basic skills required for employment and further ecological study including plant and animal identification, field surveying, microscopy, safe laboratory and field practice, and, data handling. Half and full-day field trips include sampling animals and plants to develop concepts such as energetics, food webs, limiting factors and ecosystem functioning. You will gain an appreciation of the application of the subject to environmental, medical and resource issues in real-world scenarios. By undertaking group work, such as a poster presentation, you will learn how to communicate scientific ideas to a non-specialised audience, while through reporting on field experiments you will learn how to handle and interpret data.
Module code: SCI1112
Credits: 20
100% Coursework
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry will use the functional group approach to classify organic substances and to understand their use in a wider context of applied chemistry. The overall module aim is to provide you with learning opportunities to gain knowledge, understanding and practical techniques in carbon-based chemical compounds. These constitute vital foundation knowledge and skills for a biochemistry degree.
Module code: SCI1119
Credits: 20
100% Coursework
Language 1
Language 1 is ideal if you want to learn a new language, or further develop your current language skills, as an integrated part of this degree. The module will be taught in an interactive, communicative manner, using authentic materials in the target language. Emphasis will be placed on all four areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening. You will play an active role in the classes, engaging in role-plays, short conversations, videos, authentic texts and listening materials. You will also be encouraged to reflect on your own learning needs. The module accommodates varying language levels and you will be divided into groups accordingly. On enrolment to the module, you will complete a language induction form and be placed into a language level group appropriate for your prior knowledge of the language. Please note, while we will endeavour to accommodate varying language levels per module, this is not always possible. While you can join the module with some prior experience of your target language, you will not be able to study a language you are already fluent or proficient in.
Module code: TLC1010
Credits: 20
85% Coursework
15% Practical
In Year 2, you’ll study two compulsory modules: Research Methods in Biology and Laboratory Masterclass. You’ll also have the opportunity to tailor your degree to suit your interests by choosing four optional modules from distinct pathways (Whole Organism, Molecular/Cellular, Human Biology)
One optional module will be picked from each pathway. Your final optional module choice will be from any of the three pathways. Your modules must total 120 credits for the year and you cannot choose the same module twice.
Laboratory Masterclass provides extensive experience and underpinning theory in such fundamental tools as microscopy, microbial techniques and DNA technologies to provide a thorough insight into the use and application of such equipment.
Module code: SCI2319
Credits: 20
60% Practical
40% Coursework
Research Methods in Biology
Research Methods in Biology develops essential biological research methods and data analysis skills, providing a sound base for a future dissertation. The module begins with sessions on experimental design and statistical analysis, working with varied types of data, and culminates with the design and implementation of a one-week research project.
Biogeography examines spatial and temporal patterns of living organisms over the earth’s surface and highlights the fundamental processes and causal factors which determine these patterns. This includes themes such as climate, evolutionary history, continental drift, spatial area, isolation, succession and disturbance. Key themes such as biodiversity and the history and development of ecological communities through time run through the whole module. The module culminates in exploring the impacts of human mediated changes to organism distributions, particularly the effects of habitat fragmentation and invasive non-native species.
Module code: SCI2333
Credits: 20
60% Exam
40% Coursework
Field Botany
Field Botany is a field-based module, providing you with an opportunity to conduct a detailed study of a particular group of organisms. The module introduces the full range of vascular plant diversity across a range of habitats alongside supporting work using keys and microscopes. The module also incorporates coverage of community classifications.
Module code: SCI2330
Credits: 20
100% Coursework
Invertebrate Ecology
Invertebrate Ecology explores the diversity of terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates, examining their life cycle, basic physiology, importance to ecosystem functioning and the range of services with which they provide society. You will learn quantitative sampling techniques as well as navigation, health and safety assessment and ethical considerations. You will also develop a sound knowledge of taxonomy for a variety of groups such as aquatic insects, spiders and beetles, gaining the identification, preservation and museum-standard presentation skills which are vital for employment in the sector or further ecological study. Concise scientific writing and the ability to understand relevant literature will be developed through a review of invertebrate sampling methodologies.
Module code: SCI2317
Credits: 20
50% Coursework
50% Practical
Plant Diversity
Plant Diversity is a field-based module studying vascular plant diversity in the Canary Isles. The module introduces the full variety of plant diversity found in different environmental gradients and is supported by laboratory and theoretical work. You will learn the basics of plant taxonomy and systematics and develop valuable field expedition skills.
Module code: SCI2337
Credits: 20
100% Coursework
Up-Canopy Biology
Up-Canopy Biology provides you with the essential knowledge and practical skills to study forest canopies. You will learn practical canopy access skills during a five day intensive Basic Canopy Access Proficiency (BCAP) course. The climbing course will have the option of external certification by Canopy Access Ltd who have over 20 years experience of providing rigging and technical rope training solutions for the wildlife film industry. You will learn how to access the canopy safely and the challenges associated with canopy climbing and sampling. The practical module components will be supported by a number of lectures and assessments that will introduce you to the ecology, physiology and diversity of forest canopies. You will also be introduced to the current and future challenges in the conservation and management of these systems.
Module code: SCI2341
Credits: 20
60% Coursework
40% Exam
Zoo Conservation and Animal Behaviour
Zoo Conservation and Animal Behaviour provides you with an introduction to the fields of off-site (ex-situ) management and animal behaviour and the intersection between these two areas. You'll explore how and why species are managed in captivity with consideration of species-specific needs. The module will also introduce the theories and methodologies in animal behaviour and will be combined with consideration of abnormal behaviours in captive animals and the management methods employed to reduce or prevent these.
Module code: SCI2017
Credits: 20
100% Coursework
Language 2
Language 2 is ideal if you want to learn a new language, or further develop your current language skills, as an integrated part of this degree. You can study French, German, Arabic, Italian, Mandarin, Japanese or Spanish (subject to minimum numbers for your preferred language). Delivered at the Edge Hill Language Centre, the module will be taught in an interactive, communicative manner, using authentic materials in the target language. Emphasis will be placed on all four areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening. You will play an active role in the weekly two-hour classes, engaging in role-plays, short conversations, videos, authentic texts and listening materials. You will also be encouraged to reflect on your own learning needs. On enrolment to the module, you will complete a language induction form and be placed into a language level group appropriate for your prior knowledge of your chosen language. Please note, while we will endeavour to accommodate varying language levels per module, this is not always possible. While you can join the module with some prior experience of your target language, you will not be able to study a language you are already fluent or proficient in.
Human Genetics involves the study of inherited and acquired genetic conditions at a variety of levels. The module builds on the fundamental principles of molecular biology and genetic inheritance studied to introduce you to inborn errors caused by inherited and acquired mutations, both in nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. You will consider modes of inheritance and their impact on families and personal lives. Human-related genetics will also be discussed on a molecular, clinical and pathological level, closing with a focus on the role of epigenetic effects, as well as environmental and population genetics studies.
Module code: SCI2343
Credits: 20
50% Coursework
50% Exam
Immunology and Infectious Diseases
Immunology and Infectious Diseases recognises that humans live in an environment with a baffling array of infectious agents. These are of diverse composition, shape and size and seek to use the human body as a rich shelter to propagate their own genes. The effects of this are limited, however, by a series of defence mechanisms, whose action provides the basis of immunology. This module examines our defence mechanisms that lead to immunity. It also examines a number of infectious diseases and assesses how they influence normal physiology and impair bodily functions. You will consider both external factors, such as invading organisms, as well as internal dysfunctions, such as autoimmune diseases, and environmental factors.
Module code: SCI2344
Credits: 20
50% Coursework
50% Exam
Nutrition develops your understanding of the properties of food constituents. The acquisition of food and the anatomy of the digestive system will be investigated. You will gain an appreciation of the effects of nutrient deficiency and excess on the human body, as well as disease and disorders of the digestive process.
Module code: SCI2324
Credits: 20
50% Coursework
50% Exam
Language 2
Language 2 is ideal if you want to learn a new language, or further develop your current language skills, as an integrated part of this degree. You can study French, German, Arabic, Italian, Mandarin, Japanese or Spanish (subject to minimum numbers for your preferred language). Delivered at the Edge Hill Language Centre, the module will be taught in an interactive, communicative manner, using authentic materials in the target language. Emphasis will be placed on all four areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening. You will play an active role in the weekly two-hour classes, engaging in role-plays, short conversations, videos, authentic texts and listening materials. You will also be encouraged to reflect on your own learning needs. On enrolment to the module, you will complete a language induction form and be placed into a language level group appropriate for your prior knowledge of your chosen language. Please note, while we will endeavour to accommodate varying language levels per module, this is not always possible. While you can join the module with some prior experience of your target language, you will not be able to study a language you are already fluent or proficient in.
Molecular Genetics provides an understanding of several aspects of the regulation of gene expression both in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The module is essential preparation for studying more advanced topics in the fields of genetics and biotechnology. You will explore and acquire practical skills in molecular techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), gene expression monitoring and genome editing by cloning. Basic concepts in bioinformatics will be introduced and you will gain hands-on experience of essential web-based tools and software for handling, analysing and interpreting molecular data.
Module code: SCI2332
Credits: 20
50% Coursework
50% Exam
Biochemistry and Metabolism
Biochemistry and Metabolism enhance your understanding of several advanced concepts in the field of life sciences. The module provides a global perspective on biomolecules, the different types of anabolic and catabolic pathways, as well as basic concepts in enzymology and eukaryotic and prokaryotic cellular energetics. In addition to the theoretical aspects of the module, you will develop a range of transferable and subject specific skills, such as basic laboratorial techniques, recording and analysis of experimental data, information retrieval and research, synthesis capabilities, and presenting scientific information to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
Module code: SCI2334
Credits: 20
50% Coursework
50% Exam
Introduction to Biotechnology
Introduction to Biotechnology provides a basic understanding of the principles of biotechnology and its practical applications. You will be introduced to the advances in biotechnological applications and their importance in a wide range of disciplines including agriculture, industry and medicine. The limitations of biotechnological applications will also be considered.
Module code: SCI2335
Credits: 20
60% Exam
40% Coursework
Plant Form and Physiology
Plant Form and Physiology provides you with an understanding of plant structure and physiology. You learn about basic leaf, root and stem structures, biochemical processes (for example, photosynthesis and water relations) and organism signalling. The module will also equip you with laboratory skills including microscopy, scanning electron microscopes (SEM), gas-analysis, porometry and thermal imagery.
Module code: SCI2338
Credits: 20
50% Coursework
50% Exam
Language 2
Language 2 is ideal if you want to learn a new language, or further develop your current language skills, as an integrated part of this degree. You can study French, German, Arabic, Italian, Mandarin, Japanese or Spanish (subject to minimum numbers for your preferred language). Delivered at the Edge Hill Language Centre, the module will be taught in an interactive, communicative manner, using authentic materials in the target language. Emphasis will be placed on all four areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening. You will play an active role in the weekly two-hour classes, engaging in role-plays, short conversations, videos, authentic texts and listening materials. You will also be encouraged to reflect on your own learning needs. On enrolment to the module, you will complete a language induction form and be placed into a language level group appropriate for your prior knowledge of your chosen language. Please note, while we will endeavour to accommodate varying language levels per module, this is not always possible. While you can join the module with some prior experience of your target language, you will not be able to study a language you are already fluent or proficient in.
Module code: TLC2000
Credits: 20
85% Coursework
15% Practical
In Year 3, you’ll complete the Biology Research Project. This offers an opportunity to complete your own research and a dissertation. You’ll apply the concepts, theories, and practical skills you’ve learnt throughout your studies. You’ll be mentored by experts in the relevant field of research, who’ll provide supervision and guidance throughout the research process. You’ll also be able to tailor your degree further with four optional modules.
One optional module will be picked from each pathway. Your final optional module choice will be from any of the three pathways. Your modules must total 120 credits for the year and you cannot choose the same module twice.
Biology Research Project provides you with the opportunity to conduct your own research, complete a dissertation and apply the concepts, theories and practical skills acquired throughout your Biology degree. You will be mentored by experts in the field who will guide you through the research process from the start. You will identify a research question, develop the methodology to answer it, undertake the practical work, and summarise and analyse the data appropriately to place your findings in the wider context of the subject. A dissertation will be one of the most rewarding achievements throughout your degree and one which will provide you with the skills required to conduct further research in future.
Biodiversity and Conservation is a field-based module providing you with an opportunity for a detailed study of habitats and conservation issues at protected sites. A diverse range of management issues across a range of organisms will be explored across varied habitats. This will be placed in the context of ecological theory, conservation legislation and wider pressures on the landscape.
Module code: SCI3309
Credits: 20
100% Coursework
Invertebrate Ecology
Invertebrate Ecology explores the diversity of terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates, examining their life cycle, basic physiology, importance to ecosystem functioning and the range of services with which they provide society. You will learn quantitative sampling techniques as well as navigation, health and safety assessment and ethical considerations. You will also develop a sound knowledge of taxonomy for a variety of groups such as aquatic insects, spiders and beetles, gaining the identification, preservation and museum-standard presentation skills which are vital for employment in the sector or further ecological study. Scientific writing and data analysis will be developed through the write-up of an experiment as a scientific paper.
Module code: SCI3318
Credits: 20
50% Coursework
50% Practical
Ecological Interactions
Ecological Interactions equips you with an advanced understanding of the interactions that underpin ecological relationships in populations, communities and ecosystems. You will discover the variety of interactions that occur among animal, plant and fungi species and examine the key theories which underpin them. A combination of lectures, case studies and practical work will demonstrate the importance of these mechanisms to how ecosystems function. You will understand the importance of these interactions to applied contexts such as integrated pest management in agriculture and forestry and to wider society and the concept of sustainability. The module will enable you to rapidly assess the literature to derive evidence from it for supporting scientific hypotheses.
Module code: SCI3325
Credits: 20
100% Coursework
Field Botany
Field Botany is a field-based module, providing you with an opportunity to conduct a detailed study of a particular group of organisms. The module introduces the full range of vascular plant diversity across a range of habitats alongside supporting work using keys and microscopes. The module also incorporates coverage of community classifications.
Module code: SCI3329
Credits: 20
100% Coursework
Plants and People
Plants and People provides you with a comprehensive understanding of the importance of plants to human wellbeing in economic and broader cultural settings. The module equips you with knowledge of the importance of plants in terms of human utility and less easily quantified areas such as aesthetic, symbolic and general wellbeing. You will learn about the manipulation of plants through traditional and novel methods and develop a deeper appreciation of their importance to conservation. You will also study practical methods of ex-situ plant conservation, breeding and biotechnology including micropropagation, in addition to developing the ability to analyse data relating to ethnobotany and ecosystem services.
Module code: SCI3336
Credits: 20
100% Coursework
Language 3
Language 3 enables you to build on and develop your previous language knowledge in French, German, Arabic, Italian, Mandarin or Spanish. You must have either studied the prior language module in the previous year or be able to demonstrate equivalent knowledge of your target language (though you will not be able to study a language you are already fluent or proficient in). The language levels available will be determined by the continuation of corresponding groups from the previous language module. You will gain the language skills necessary to become a more proficient user of the language. Classes will be taught in an interactive and communicative manner using authentic materials to promote meaningful communication. They will be conducted in the target language as much as possible. Emphasis will be on speaking and listening, with appropriate attention also being paid to other communication skills. Other work will include a variety of tasks which may be completed in the Language Centre.
Epidemiology is the study of factors affecting the health and illness of populations. You will investigate how disease patterns are monitored both nationally and globally, how changes in disease patterns are studied and how public health strategies are formulated. This is an important contemporary field of biology.
Module code: SCI3324
Credits: 20
50% Coursework
50% Exam
Medical Microbiology
Medical Microbiology recognises that humans live in an environment with a baffling array of infectious agents. These are of diverse composition, shape and size and seek to use the human body as a rich shelter to propagate their own genes. The module will provide an overview of medical microbiology including bacteriology, virology, mycology and parasitology. The relationship between microbes and humans both in health and disease will be investigated. You will gain an understanding of the normal human microbiota and situations where they may become pathogenic. In addition, you will be introduced to all pathogenic microorganisms that have the potential to cause human diseases including bacterial, viral and fungal diseases. The module will look at diseases of the urinogenital system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, skin, blood and brain, while also equipping you with an understanding of the diagnosis, pathogenesis and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
Module code: SCI3359
Credits: 20
60% Exam
40% Practical
Pathology details the fundamental cellular processes that lead to the development of disease. The module also explores how these processes relate to dysfunction within tissues and organs and ultimately the presentation of typical pathological phenotypes and patient symptoms. Diseases with genetic origins (such as congenital ichthyosis) and environmental origins (such as lung disease) will be considered, as will the interactions between the two (as in cardiovascular disease). There is a significant emphasis on delivering career-relevant laboratory skills used in the diagnosis of disease, particularly histological approaches as well as molecular techniques. Real-life case studies are considered throughout each topic, helping you to gain confidence in the identification of common disease traits through regular diagnostic lab simulations in class.
Module code: SCI3316
Credits: 20
50% Coursework
50% Exam
Pharmacology details the development, application and action of drugs on the human system through a combination of practical and theoretical work.
Module code: SCI3321
Credits: 20
50% Coursework
50% Exam
Language 3
Language 3 enables you to build on and develop your previous language knowledge in French, German, Arabic, Italian, Mandarin or Spanish. You must have either studied the prior language module in the previous year or be able to demonstrate equivalent knowledge of your target language (though you will not be able to study a language you are already fluent or proficient in). The language levels available will be determined by the continuation of corresponding groups from the previous language module. You will gain the language skills necessary to become a more proficient user of the language. Classes will be taught in an interactive and communicative manner using authentic materials to promote meaningful communication. They will be conducted in the target language as much as possible. Emphasis will be on speaking and listening, with appropriate attention also being paid to other communication skills. Other work will include a variety of tasks which may be completed in the Language Centre.
Applications of Genetics explores the cutting-edge advances in molecular technologies including gene expression quantification, next generation sequencing and genome editing. You will learn about the latest developments and novel applications in this exciting field through exploring the current primary literature. You will also generate and interpret your own molecular data through a series of practical sessions. The module covers a number of important fields including medicine, disease diagnostics and therapy, population genetics, biotechnology and drug discovery.
Module code: SCI3014
Credits: 20
60% Exam
40% Coursework
Genomics and Bioinformatics
Genomics and Bioinformatics centres on how the combination of sequencing and increased computational power has led to a revolution in the way genetic information is utilised and applied. From a human perspective, the sequencing of entire genomes will allow more precise diagnosis and intimations of risk, with attendant tailored treatments. Beyond humans the complex interplay between genome, epigenetic and life history is starting to be unravelled. This module takes you to the leading edge of the discipline and to the forefront of conservation and medicine.
Module code: SCI3015
Credits: 20
60% Coursework
40% Exam
Ecological Genetics
Ecological Genetics aligns fieldwork and molecular genetic methods in order to understand the factors influencing genetic variation in populations. You will study speciation, gene flow, reduced population size and the impact of historical events such as glaciation.
Module code: SCI3311
Credits: 20
50% Coursework
50% Exam
Advanced Tissue Applications
Advanced Tissue Applications provides an in-depth understanding of the use of different cell and tissue-based applications in research, medical diagnostics and at the lab-clinic interface. You will obtain a wide perspective of the processing and analysis of protein-derived samples, including human and animal cells and tissue.
Module code: SCI3327
Credits: 20
60% Exam
40% Practical
Applications of Biotechnology
Applications of Biotechnology provides you with an advanced understanding of the applications of biotechnology within various industries including food, medicine, environmental management and agriculture.  The module will focus on the product development process within these different industries, from research and development, through to large scale production. Relevant legal issues will also be considered.
Module code: SCI3328
Credits: 20
65% Coursework
35% Exam
Language 3
Language 3 enables you to build on and develop your previous language knowledge in French, German, Arabic, Italian, Mandarin or Spanish. You must have either studied the prior language module in the previous year or be able to demonstrate equivalent knowledge of your target language (though you will not be able to study a language you are already fluent or proficient in). The language levels available will be determined by the continuation of corresponding groups from the previous language module. You will gain the language skills necessary to become a more proficient user of the language. Classes will be taught in an interactive and communicative manner using authentic materials to promote meaningful communication. They will be conducted in the target language as much as possible. Emphasis will be on speaking and listening, with appropriate attention also being paid to other communication skills. Other work will include a variety of tasks which may be completed in the Language Centre.
Module code: TLC3000
Credits: 20
85% Coursework
15% Practical
How you'll study
Our BSc (Hons) Biology programme has a strong practical base. Learning involves lectures, practical work, tutorials and fieldwork. The department has a wide range of practical facilities and we are keen to develop student skills in the areas of microscopy, microbiology, cell culture and DNA technologies. The degree also involves a period of residential fieldwork, as well as the option to take part in a range of UK-based fieldwork opportunities.
How you'll be assessed
Modules are assessed by a mixture of coursework and examinations tailored to suit the subject area of each module. An extremely wide range of coursework is employed which may include practical portfolios, specimen collections, project reports, field notebooks and website development, plus individual and group oral presentations.
Who will be teaching you
Edge Hill University has over 30 years’ experience in delivering BSc (Hons) Biology degrees and has a wealth of experienced tutors and technical staff in addition to field and laboratory equipment to support the study of biology. The Biology department is friendly and approachable and of a size that enables us to know our students personally.
Our experienced and knowledgeable staff take pride in the quality of their teaching. Their research activity means they keep up-to-date with current developments in their areas of interest and pass this knowledge onto their students.
An extensive network of relationships has been established with relevant environmental organisations and other universities in the UK and overseas, ensuring a rich, diverse and rewarding student experience. Visiting speakers assist in the delivery of the programme, often presenting unique or novel aspects of particular subjects.
Where your course includes optional modules, these are to provide an element of choice within the course curriculum. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by timetabling requirements. Some restrictions on optional module choice or combinations of optional modules may apply.
Entry criteria
Typical offer 112-120 UCAS Tariff points, preferably to include Biology or a related subject, such as Chemistry, Geography or Psychology, plus GCSE Mathematics at Grade C or Grade 4 or above (or equivalent).
Other subjects will be considered if you have demonstrable interest or experience in biology.
Example offers
A Level
BTEC Extended Diploma (or combination of BTEC QCF qualifications)
Distinction, Merit, Merit (DMM).
T Level
Overall grade of Merit.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
We are happy to accept IB qualifications which achieve the required number of UCAS Tariff points. Subject-specific requirements at Higher Level (HL) Grade 5 may apply.
Access to Higher Education Diploma
45 credits at Level 3, for example 15 credits at Distinction and 30 credits at Merit or 24 credits at Distinction and 21 credits at Merit. The required total can be attained from various credit combinations.
Please note, the above examples may differ from actual offers made. A combination of A Level and BTEC awards may also be accepted.
If you have a minimum of two A Levels (or equivalent), there is no maximum number of qualifications that we will accept UCAS points from. This includes additional qualifications such as Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), AS Levels that haven't been continued to A Level, and General Studies AS or A Level awards.
English language requirements
International students require IELTS 6.0, with a score no lower than 5.5 in each individual component, or an equivalent English language qualification.
If your current level of English is half a band, one band, or one-and-a-half bands lower, either overall or in one or two elements, you may want to consider our Pre-Sessional English course.
Fair Entry Criteria
Our new Fair Entry Criteria is a Contextual Admissions Policy that takes an applicant’s personal and educational background into account. This policy will allow eligible applicants to receive up to a two-grade reduction in their entry requirements for this course. Find out more and see if you qualify.
Should you accept an offer of a place to study with us and formally enrol as a student, you will be subject to the provisions of the regulations, rules, codes, conditions and policies which apply to our students. These are available at
Did you know?
If you join a full time undergraduate degree at Edge Hill University, we will guarantee you the
offer of a room in our halls of residence for the first year of your course.
BSc (Hons) Biology students have access to our BioSciences building that incorporates impressive, modern laboratories, offering exciting and highly relevant practical experience in some of the best equipped facilities in the country. Resources include fluorescence and scanning electron microscopes, DNA extraction and analysis equipment, and climate controlled insectaries.
You will benefit from our brand-new ÂŁ17.4m Life Sciences building, featuring dedicated student research labs for learning advanced cell culture and histology techniques.
A number of the best nature reserves in the country are in close proximity to the campus. You will be taught within a short travelling distance of impressive field sites such as one of the finest saltmarsh and dune systems in Europe, restored mires of international importance, hay meadows and limestone woodlands. The University also has extensive grounds including meadows which serve as a useful area for demonstrating sampling techniques.
The University may administer a small inflationary rise in tuition fees, in line with Government policy, in subsequent academic years as you progress through the course.
EU/EEA and Swiss students who have settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme, as well as Irish nationals, may be eligible for the UK tuition fee rate.
Financial support
Subject to eligibility, UK students joining this course can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan from the Government to cover the full cost of tuition fees. UK students enrolling on the course may also be eligible to apply for additional funding to help with living costs.
We offer a range of scholarships, which celebrate the determination, commitment and achievement of our students. Many of our scholarships are awarded automatically. There are some however, where you will need to be involved in an application or nomination process. To find out more about our scholarships and check your eligibility, please visit our dedicated scholarships pages.
Money Matters
Please view the relevant Money Matters guide for comprehensive information about the financial support available to eligible UK students.
EU/EEA and Swiss students who have settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme may be eligible to apply for financial support. Irish nationals can ordinarily apply to Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI).
If you are an EU student who does not have settled or pre-settled status, or are an international student from a non-EU country, please see our international student finance pages.
Your future career
Our BSc (Hons) Biology students are sought-after in many specialist fields including biotechnology, microbiology, medicine, and environmental protection. You can find them working with companies like Tyler Ecological Consultancy and Perfectus Biomed, as well as in the NHS.
Other graduates have gone into teaching and research roles, or continued to postgraduate study in biology or a similar subject. We’ll help you develop skills to meet employers’ needs. When you apply for roles, they’ll see your lab-ready skillset in action through work placements and recruitment schemes.
As a graduate of a degree accredited by the Royal Society of Biology, you’ll be eligible for one year of free membership of the Royal Society of Biology at Associate level.
The Royal Society of Biology is the UK’s leading professional body for the biological sciences. As an Associate member, you’ll be able to take advantage of unique opportunities to engage with the life sciences, share your passion for biology and develop your professional network.
Course changes
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, however our courses are subject to ongoing review and development. Changing circumstances may necessitate alteration to, or the cancellation of, courses.
Changes may be necessary to comply with the requirements of professional bodies, revisions to subject benchmarks statements, to keep courses updated and contemporary, or as a result of student feedback. We reserve the right to make variations if we consider such action to be necessary or in the best interests of students.
Track changes to this course
Module assessment method changes - 3 June 2024
SCI2317 Invertebrate Ecology changed from 100% Coursework to 50% Coursework; 50% Practical
SCI2319 Laboratory Masterclass changed from 100% Coursework to 40% Coursework; 60% Practical
SCI2332 Molecular Genetics changed from 60% Exam; 40% Coursework to 50% Exam; 50% Coursework
SCI3318 Invertebrate Ecology changed from 100% Coursework to 50% Coursework; 50% Practical
SCI3324 Epidemiology changed from 100% Exam to 50% Exam; 50% Coursework
Assessment method - 3 April 2024
Assessment method changed on SCI2344 Immunology and Infectious Diseases from 60% Exam, 40% Coursework to 50% Exam, 50% Coursework.
Module addition - 14 March 2024
SCI2017 Zoo Conservation and Animal Behaviour – a new 20-credit optional module added to the ‘Whole Organism’ pathway in Year 2.